Wednesday, February 21, 2024

जितमस्माकं उद्भिन्नमस्माकं ऋतमस्माकं तेजोऽस्माकं ब्रह्मास्माकं

जितमस्माकं उद्भिन्नमस्माकं ऋतमस्माकं तेजोऽस्माकं ब्रह्मास्माकं स्वर्स्माकं यज्ञोऽस्माकं पशवोऽस्माकं प्रजा अस्माकं वीरा अस्माकम् ll अथर्ववेदे १६।८।१
jitamasmākaṁ udbhinnamasmākaṁ ṛtamasmākaṁ tejo'smākaṁ brahmāsmākaṁ svarsmākaṁ yajño'smākaṁ paśavo'smākaṁ prajā asmākaṁ veerā asmākam atharvavede 16|8|1
May resounding victory in conquests be with us
May we blossom and grow in all directions
May the eternal truthful law guide us
May we possess ultimate effulgence
May the realization of Supreme one be with us
May the heavens be within our reach
May we be enabled to perform all the yajnas and partake in their bountiful results
May we be blessed with lots and lots of cattle
May we have large number of progenies in our clan
May our clan be filled to the brim with valorous men

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