Wednesday, February 21, 2024

musings 253

Indian and Vedic culture was that a reasonably balanced person would mind his own business, and would never flaunt his views, advises and opinions all around..
The social media culture was completely alien to such ideas..
It was expected that a person should render advise or even his opinion only if he feels that he is capable of giving that opinion and that too when he is called upon by the proper authorities.
.Often such learned men or women resopnded only when they were commanded or requested to express their views .. and only when this request came to them repeatedly and they could not avoid speaking out..
A lawyer talks in a court if he is retained and is having a Vakalath or power of attroney..
Any professional worth his salt would talk about his profession and would render his professional views only if he is appointed through an authorisation, or retained through some valid document or fees ( the retainer may vary from profession to profession)or when he is bound by law of the land to act..
Here in social media we can seen all and sundry giving professional advises, with no one ever asking for it..
We can find even medical opinions.. that can kill.
Again recipes that can kill
Taxation advises that can drain your pocket
and so on
I have been a pseudo scholar, pseudo professional, for the past ten years now..
I think it is time to shut up, even though I have no other business to mind..

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