Friday, February 09, 2024

the idea of God

God.. the idea of God was the subject of numerous conflicts and controversies.. Some say there is a God, some say there is no God. Some say we should have a God.. Some say it is superstition to have God, But the concept of God appear to have emanated from all aspects of human psyche.. Man knew by instinct that he is not perfect, and then imagined that there existed a being which would live up to his measurement of perfection.. Such being was his hero, and a group more or less having common views on the matter defined such a hero as their God.. For a warrior group, a spear, or a brave man was the God. For a peaceful family, the father and mother became Gods.. For a happy family.. a total group family members showed up as divinity.. ( One example is the Shiva family)..
In a single word, God is a word coined to define something which man wanted to persuade himself to admit as existing, something which he lovingly wanted to be factually existing.. like a dream to be fulfilled,, but was never sure whether such a thing existed.. Even the best of the believers cannot say for sure that they have realized God to their heart's content. And even the worst atheists cannot say honestly that they have succeeded in proving the lack of existence of God.. So the debate goes on.. and will go on till human mind and thoughts exist to functions..
The procedural aspects of God and religion, are too subsidiary and a near expression of this idea can be seen in gita.. यावान अर्थ उदपाने सर्वतः संप्लुतोदके तावान सर्वेषु वेदेषु ब्राह्मणस्य विजानतः..

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