Saturday, March 09, 2024

A query from an anxious mother of a young gentleman of eleven full years

A query from an anxious mother of a young gentleman of eleven full years.
She is worried that even though the boy is initiated into religious practices, and he is generally inclined to follow religious dictates, in his playfulness, he performs such rituals in a shortened way.. The mother is worried whether that shortening is right.. and she is also pondering the ways and means to persuade the playful gentleman to be more serious..
I am not an authority on child psychology.. or religious rituals..
But my answer applying commonsense if any in my possession is that..
" Even a little of dharma would protect us from all terrifying situations.. Gita Says..
स्वल्पमप्यस्य धर्मस्य त्रायते महतो भयात्।।2.40।।
swalpampyasya dharmasya traayte mahato bhayaat..
So it is a welcome sign that the child is doing Sandhyavandanam and at least limited Gayatri Japam..
Most of the children do not even perform Sandhya even on the evening of the Upanayanam.. and they know nothing about Sandhyavandanam..
So you have to be rather relieved.
It is practically impossible to force a child in such matters when you cannot prove that there would be adequate and immediate results..
So bhedam (psychological pressure) and dandam ( physical punishment ) are ruled out..
One great thing is that if the child is used to Sandhyavandanam, he would get more and more dedication and concentration as the days advance..
And life, as days progress, would land the simple human beings in situations where there will be nothing, no hope to look ahead other than divine grace..
For children, even a slackening in academic or sports activities can be a challenge.. and if in such situations, it is suggested to them that Divine grace alone can put things in the proper place, they would be more receptive..
At such moments it can be pointed out that situations could have been worse, but since the child was following at least some of the divine directions, he is in a better situation.. and it could be suggested that if he followed the diving dictates more thoroughly, he would become more and more comfortable and successful.. This will motivate him..
Only persuasion is the method..
But you are lucky.. The child is oriented in the proper direction.. No need to worry at all..
Krishna bless.."
I posted in public because this is an issue faced by many parents and grandparents.. and young gentlemen of cute little ladies too..

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