Monday, March 11, 2024

लोके षडेतानि विडम्बितानि॥

मूर्खो द्विजातिः स्थिविरो गृहस्तः
कामी दरिद्रो धनवान् तपस्वी।
वेश्या कुरूपा नृपतिः कदर्य्यः
लोके षडेतानि विडम्बितानि॥
mūrkho dvijātiḥ sthiviro gṛhastaḥ
kāmī daridro dhanavān tapasvī|
veśyā kurūpā nṛpatiḥ kadaryyaḥ
loke ṣaḍetāni viḍambitāni||
The following six types of persons are despised by all and people around them ttreat them with contempt
1. An idiotic and asinine brahmin
2. A householder who has grown very old
3. A man without money who goes around in search of romance
4. A recluse or a Sannyasi who is rich
5. A prostitute who is ugly
6. A king who rules in a wayward manner without taking wise counsel from the ministers.

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