Saturday, March 16, 2024


अतिव्ययोऽनपेक्षा च तथार्जनमधर्मतः।
घोषणं दूरसंस्थानं कोशव्यसनमुच्यते॥
हितोपदेशे इन्दिश्चे स्प्रुचे ५९
ativyayo'napekṣā ca tathārjanamadharmataḥ|
ghoṣaṇaṁ dūrasaṁsthānaṁ kośavyasanamucyate||
hitopadeśe indisce spruce 59

The causes for depletion and damage to the treasury as listed in Hitopadesham 
1 Reckless spending 
2 Lack of proper accounting and monitoring 
3 Tendency to earn and accumulate through unrighteous means 4.Too much Publicity about affluence 
 5 Location of assets in distant places

अति व्ययः excessive, reckless spending  अनपेक्षा  no proper application of mind, no budgeting, monitoring  कोशस्य of the treasuryअधर्मतः आर्जनं earning and accumulating through  unrighteous means  घोषणं  giving unwanted publicity,  unwanted claims  दूर संस्थानं   location far apart.. the owner and the treasure located in different places located  at great distance  कोश व्यसनं  damage, depletion of treasury उच्यते  it is said.

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