Monday, March 18, 2024

यस्मिन्यथा वर्तते यो मनुष्य


यस्मिन्यथा वर्तते यो मनुष्यस्तस्मिन्स्तथा वर्तितव्यं स धर्मः।
मायाचारो मायया बाधितव्यः साध्वाचारः साधुना प्रत्युपेयः॥

yasminyathā vartate yo manuṣyastasminstathā vartitavyaṃ sa dharmaḥ।māyācāro māyayā bādhitavyaḥ sādhvācāraḥ sādhunā pratyupeyaḥ॥ mahābhārate

It is right and proper law or dharma that one should treat a person in the same way being teated in return. If one is prone to deception and treachery, he should be treated in the same manner. If the party to the transaction is honest and righteous, then he should be extended the same courtesy.

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