Monday, March 18, 2024

ॐ आपोहिष्ठा मयोभुवः। तान ऊर्जेदधातन

ॐ आपोहिष्ठा मयोभुवः। तान ऊर्जेदधातन। महेरणाय चक्षसे। योवश्शिवतमो रसः। तस्य भाजयतेह नः। उशतिरिव मातरः। तस्मा अरं गमामवः। यस्य क्षयाय जिन्वथ। आपोजनयथा च नः॥
om āpohiṣṭhā mayobhuvaḥ | tāna ūrjedadhātana| maheraṇāya cakṣase| yovaśśivatamo rasaḥ| tasya bhājayateha naḥ| uśatiriva mātaraḥ| tasmā araṁ gamāmavaḥ| yasya kṣayāya jinvatha| āpojanayathā ca naḥ||
This is the prayer we make to waters during the worship of Sandhya when we sprinkle the waters on our body and limbs..
From Pavamana Sooktham.. found in Rig and Yajur vedas.
Oh waters, may you be the bestowers of great welfare and comfort on us
May those waters provide us with food or Annam or the energy which would maintain us in good shape and with limbs which are beautiful and attractive
May the most sacred ingredients contained in you be shared and distributed to us and may we partake in them as if you are doing that with the affection of a mother to her children
We are eager for the beneficial things you are ready to bless us with and about with you are pleased
we praise you and depend on you for those benefits
Oh waters, may you pleased to keep us alive and healthy.
हे आपः यूयं मयोभवः स्थाहि Oh waters, may you be the bestowers of great welfare and comfort on us
ता नः महे रणाय चक्षसे ऊर्जे दधातनः May those waters provide us with food or Annam which would maintain us in good shape and with limbs which are beautiful and attractive
यो वः शिवतमो रसः इह नः उशतीः मातर इव भाजयत May the most sacred ingredients contained in you be shared and distributed to us and may we partake in them as if you are doing that with the affection of a mother to her children
यस्य क्षयाय जिन्वथ for the beneficial things you are ready to bless us with and about with you are pleased
तस्मै वः अरं गमाम we praise you and depend on you for those benefit
हे आपः नः जनयथ Oh waters, may you pleased to keep us alive and healthy.
k v ananthanarayanan

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