Sunday, March 31, 2024

यथेष्टं भुङ्क्ष्व मा भैषी अन्ते गोरसजं पिब

यथेष्टं भुङ्क्ष्व मा भैषी अन्ते गोरसजं पिब
yadeshtam bhunkshwa maa bhaishee ante gorasajam piba .. there is a saying..
" eat what ever you want, do not fear, just drink buttermilk at the end.. so that you will be safe with your tummy
this is followed by another interesting sentence to finish the couplet..
यथेष्टं चर मा भैषी अन्ते नारायणं स्मर..
yadeshtam chara maa bhaishee, ante Narayanam smara... Meaning
"do whatever you want, do not fear, but just remember Narayana in the end..'

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