Monday, March 04, 2024

पठ पुत्र किमालस्यमपठन्भारवाहकः

पठ पुत्र किमालस्यमपठन्भारवाहकः।
पाठितः पूजितो राज्ञां पठ पुत्र दिने दिने॥वृद्धचाणक्य
paṭha putra kimālasyamapaṭhanbhāravāhakaḥ|
pāṭhitaḥ pūjito rājñāṁ paṭha putra dine dine||vṛddhacāṇakya
Son, learn, acquire more skills, why are you keeping lazy?
If you have no education and if you do not possess any skills, you will have to waste away your life as a career of burdens for other (perhaps like a donkey)
The man with education, knowledge and skill becomes highly respectable even in the eyes of the king.
Therefore son, study, learn, train yourself, day in and day out.

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