Tuesday, March 19, 2024

दातुर्जिता कीर्तिरयाचकेन

मान्यः कुलीनः कुलजात्कलावान्
विद्वान् कलाज्ञात् विदुषः सुशीलः।
धनी सुशीलाद्धनिनोऽपि धाता
दातुर्जिता कीर्तिरयाचकेन॥
mānyaḥ kulīnaḥ kulajātkalāvān
vidvān kalājñāt viduṣaḥ suśīlaḥ|
dhanī suśīlāddhanino'pi dhātā
dāturjitā kīrtirayācakena||
Of men, the one born in a good family is considered better
An artist is reckoned as even better than a high born person
A learned scholar may find greater respect even more than on who knows the arts.
A person with sterling character and sweet demeanour may be preferred even to just a scholar
A person blessed with great wealth and resources may get even greater acceptability that a scholar
A person who is ready to share his wealth by giving it to all is even more praised that a mere rich person
However, a person who refuse to ask for anything, refuses to beg with anyone at any cost, takes away the glory even of the best of the philanthropists..
yes, one becomes inferior to another when and only when he receieves something without adequate payment.. or through request, entreaties or even begging
if a person is satisfied with what he has and does not care to receive any favours, then he is a peron without any comparison..
k v ananthanarayanan

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