Monday, March 25, 2024

मन्त्रिभिर्धार्यते राज्यं सुस्तम्भैरिव मन्दिरम्


अन्तः सारैरकुटिलैर्निश्च्छिद्रै सुपरीक्षितैः।
मन्त्रिभिर्धार्यते राज्यं सुस्तम्भैरिव मन्दिरम्॥
पञ्चतन्त्रे इन्दिश्चे स्प्रूचे १२२

antaḥ sārairakuṭilairniścchidrai suparīkṣitaiḥ|
mantribhirdhāryate rājyaṁ sustambhairiva mandiram||
pañcatantre indiśce sprūce 122

Like hefty pillars which have solid girth and are unbending, with no cracks of fissure insided, whose strenght is tested by expert builders hold great and monumental buildings solidly in place the country is maintained in safety and security by ministers who are unbending, who work in univon, who have great skill and intellect and who have been tested for efficiency through various situations.

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