Thursday, March 07, 2024

यदा विनाशकालो वै लक्ष्यते दैवनिर्मितः

यदा विनाशकालो वै लक्ष्यते दैवनिर्मितः।
तदा वै विपरीतेषु मनः प्रकुरुते नरः॥
subhashita ratnabhaandaagare .. indische spruce 4808 Valmiki Ramayane
yadā vināśakālo vai lakṣyate daivanirmitaḥ|
tadā vai viparīteṣu manaḥ prakurute naraḥ||

When time for ruin as ordained by fate is imminent and clear at sight for a man, he sets his mind on and engages himself in activities, which are counterproductive and very dangerous. (He goes where the fate wants him to be)

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