Friday, March 29, 2024

नागणस्याग्रतो गच्छेत्सिद्धे कार्ये समं फलम्

नागणस्याग्रतो गच्छेत्सिद्धे कार्ये समं फलम्।
यदि कार्यविपत्तिः स्यान्मुखरस्तत्र हन्यते॥
nāgaṇasyāgrato gacchetsiddhe kārye samaṁ phalam|
yadi kāryavipattiḥ syānmukharastatra hanyate||
A very pragmatic advice we get from HItopadesham
One should never try to occupy the lead or be in the forefront of any group.
If the activities of the group yield favourable results, the credit will be claimed and shared equally by all in the group.
( The one who stood in the first row is not getting any special benefit)
However if the desired objects of the group get thwarted and the activities go haywire, the person in the forefront will have to take the brunt of the attack and could become a victim too.
Analysis of words
नरः a man
गणस्य अग्रतो in the lead of a group
न गच्छेत् should not go, should not occupy
कार्ये सिद्धे if the purpose is served
समं फलं the benefit is same (for the one in the front or the one in the back.. no special benefit for the one who led)
यदि if
कार्यविपत्तिः setback or failure to the objective
स्यात् happens
तत्र then and there
मुखरः हन्यते the one who led is just finished off..

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