Tuesday, March 12, 2024

musings 264

while gathering flowers for pooja(worship of God) in the morning, some strange thoughts passed through the mind
While performing pooja, I pray for so many things, for so many people..
But do I ever pray God to bless the plants which gave the beautiful flowers?
Perhaps the plants have already worshiped God by giving out the beautiful flowers, and in fact I am offering something to God ..
which have already been offered and accepted by Him
Our forefathers had strict rules about disturbing plants even if the action was in furtherance of their daily routines and for the purpose of service to God
Before cutting a twig or plucking a flower of an oushadi (a plant with medicinal qualities.. and with flowers ) or a Vanaspathi ( usually a bigger plant which might not have manifest flowers but would bear lots of fruits.. a fruit yielding tree) they praised the plant, and they sought the permission of the plants for removing their parts for the service of God..
And special prayers and a lot of respect and reverence was shown while collecting leaves of Tulasi or Bilvam.. the two plants without whose service worship of God is simply not possible in our way of life..
True, the plants are so generous, God is also so generous, that they will not perhaps mind our thanking them or not..
But are we good people if we are not grateful?
Permission to mother earth and elements was sought by our forefathers when they broke pieces of rock to create idols or took clay or soil to clean themselves or to use it for religious purposes.
That grace seems to have disappeared in our generations.. most of us are not even aware that such niceties were there..
Another funny thought.. While plucking flowers, I leave some flowers in the plant itself.. The flowers collected reach the feet of God in the form of some idol or symbol which is consecrated as God.
But the flowers left behind.. are they lucky or unlucky..?
They just remain in the plant and fade the next day but their companions have reached the feet of God..
There are many things in life about which the mind can raise questions.. but could hardly get any answers..

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