Tuesday, March 26, 2024

musings 271

Faith can strenghthen the mind, and the stronger the mind, the stronger the immunity of the body to counter external assaults from anything including germs and viruses..
That way prayer can play a very positive role..
Regarding prayers and their effectiveness, there is no substantial evidence either way..
No one can say for sure whether a prayer has been answered or whether a prayer has been rejected in toto.
But is it necessary that we should seek evidence for everything before we practice ?
Our assumptions like that in social media that what we write or speak are accepted by others with respect is indeed a false notion most of the time..
Even our best fans may agree with us only once out of hundred times..
But then we assume that we are heroes, and our dicta are taken as gospels..
If we can stretch our faith to that extent even in social media transactions, why should we not have faith in God?

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