Thursday, March 28, 2024

musings 273

Someone was making a very vocal comment that some religious places relatable to faiths other than Hinduism supply free food and materials to the devotees whereas some Hindu temples charge fees from the devotees even for having a darshan.
The comment is completely misplaced and unacceptable .. Such comments are made just as an attempt at show off on the part of the neo liberal Hindu.
My reply
"It is just silly and arrogant to say that public places and bodies are collecting fees or donations.. the institutions, and people dependent on such institutions have to be either maintained or have to survive..
It is just a false notion that one part of the society should earn and provide and some sets of louts who want everything free should be maintained.
Such mindset is defective, and shameful.
No one insists that you should visit a temple..
Even Hinduism does not make any such major prescription.. Even prayer at home would suffice if you have no money.
And the ethos of Hinduism always prescribe that you should never visit a temple without some offerings and presents for the deity
To mix up religion and philanthropy and using high sounding platitutudes to beat the religion is just silly and not acceptable."

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