Sunday, March 17, 2024

real planning and strategization

अतीतलाभस्य सुरक्षणार्थं भविष्यलाभस्य च संगमार्थम्।
आपत्प्रपन्नस्य च मोक्षणार्थं यन्मत्र्यतेऽसौ परमो हि मन्त्रः॥ईन्द् स्प्रुचे ६२ शार्ङ्गधरपद्धति
atītalābhasya surakṣaṇārthaṁ bhaviṣyalābhasya ca saṁgamārtham|
āpatprapannasya ca mokṣaṇārthaṁ yanmatryate'sau paramo hi mantraḥ||īnd spruce 62 śārṅgadharapaddhati
Proper planning and preparation of strategy and planning in the following matters are indeed termed as real and most utiliatarian planning and strategy.
1. To keep in place without any damage what benefits or profits have been gained already
2. To accumulate, co-oradinate and maintain at optimal levels the profits, benefits and advantages that are expected to arise in the course of activities.
3. If some person involved in the process of if some activities engaged in furthering the strategy are likely to be or are in the process of facing some risk or danger, finding ways and means to mitigate and overcome such risks and dangers.
This according to Sharngdhara paddhati is real planning and strategization.

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