Friday, April 19, 2024

नमोऽस्तु रामाय सलक्ष्मणाय देव्यै च तस्यै जनकात्मजायै

नमोऽस्तु रामाय सलक्ष्मणाय देव्यै च तस्यै जनकात्मजायै।
नमोऽस्तु रुद्रेन्द्रयमानिलेभ्यो नमोऽस्तु चन्द्रार्कमरुद्गणेभ्यः।।
namo astu raamaaya salakshmanaaya devyai cha tasyai janakaatmajaayai
namo astu rudra-indra-yama-anillebhyaH namo astu chandra-arka- marutganebhyaH..
Valmikiramayanam Sundarakandam Ch 13 sloka 63
Hope you know who chanted it..
It was Lord
Anjaneya himself in sundarakandam of Srimad valmikiramayanam.
The great Hanuman had reached Lanka in search of Sita.
However in spite of his best efforts Sita could not be traced.
He was simply desperate and crestfallen as time too was running out.
Then he makes this prayer of pranams..
First to Rama with Lakshmana
then to that divine lady the daughter of king Janaka (Sita )
then to Rudra, Indra ,Yama, the wind God Anila or Vayu
then to the moon the sun and the ever protective groups of Maruts.
And immediately the beautiful Ashoka vana with the golden Shimshupa tree under which Sita was seated comes to his eyesight.
The rest is victory.
So to this day when one is in utter desperation with no positive things in sight this sloka is uttered..
And sure the prophetic words of Prabhu Anjaneya are sure to give success..
Yes on all issues

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