Monday, April 08, 2024

अन्नं बहु कुर्वीत

अन्नं बहु कुर्वीत। तद्व्रतम्।
पृथिवी वा अन्नम्।
पृथिव्यामाकाशः प्रतिष्ठितः।
आकाशे पृथिवी प्रतिष्ठिता।
तदेतदन्नमन्ने प्रतिष्ठितम्।
स य एतदन्नमन्ने प्रतिष्ठितं वेद प्रतितिष्ठति।
अन्नवानन्नादो भवति।
भृगु वल्ली तैत्तिरीय उपनिषद
annam bahu kurveeta. tad vratam. pruthvee vaa annam.. aakaasho. annaadaH . prithivyaam aakashaH pratishtithaH.. aakashe prithvee pratishtitaa..tadetadannamanne pratshtitam.. sa ya etadannam anne pratishitam ved pratithistathi.. annavaan annado bhavati..
from Bhrigu Valli of Taittariyopanishad of Krishna Yajur Veda
"There should be endeavour to procure as much annam (food, eatable commodity, rice, grain.. etc),, that should be a sacred vow. This earth is verily food or annam..
The sky is the consumer of food
The sky is dependent on or residing in the earth. And the earth is residing or is dependent on sky or akasha .
So, in fact food is depending on itself or is self generating ( through the interaction of the earth and the sky)..
The one who understand that food is dependent on itself lives long or eternally.. He becomes the possessor of food and the consumer of food."
Respect for food is highligted in this upanishad mantra ( elsewhere it is said.. annam na nindyaat.. no disreprect should ever be shown to the food we eat..).
The Interplay of natural forces which are present around and also the natural resources getting recycled in a harmonious manner is also described here.. (Formation of Clouds, Photosynthesis etc occur due to this interplay)
So, food is a very important part of our culture ,, vedic culture, brahminic culture..
Maybe that is why all discussion in brahmin groups, all functions and festivities, ultimately culminate in bhojanam.. or community feeding
Maybe that is why the statement BraahmanaH bhojana priyaaH is rather justified..

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