Saturday, April 20, 2024

I would prefer to have that black scoundrel Krishna as the resting place for all I have, trouble or anything else.

Read a post about a plumber who faced all the trouble In the world during his working hours and was tense all over but would leave all such troubles on a tree outside his house before he joined his family for rest and repose.
He would be living happily overnight just to take back the bundle of troubles as the next work day started.
A nice way to insulate oneself from troubles at least temporarily.
But my reaction to the post had a different dimension.
Just sharing my thoughts
But many have troubles real or imagined, and these could fill many forests and would still be overflowing.
Remember the story of Krishna and his boss the owner of the chariot Arjuna on the last day of Mahabharata war after victory.
Near the parking place the boss Arjuna expected Krishna the driver to dismount first and conduct him down holding his hands ceremoniously.
Was it not the day of victory?.
But Krishna tersely ordered Arjuna to get down first.
The Prince Arjuna was piqued at this breach of protocol but obeyed icily and meekly
And of course Krishna too jumped out of the chariot and immediately the vehicle exploded to ashes.
In fact the chariot had taken a lot of spells and destructive arrows over the eighteen days of war
and had been just kept in shape only by the power of the Lord Krishna who could balance all the destructive spells as long as he remained in the chariot.
Arjuna would have become another spoon of ashes had Krishna the driver, got down from it and bowed before Arjuna and ask him to get down as this was the standard protocol.
The tree outside the plumbers house, brings to mind Krishna and his chariot and Arjuna too
Here the plumber handed over the trouble to the tree and remained happy.
But Krishna just absorbed the trouble which was in store for Arjuna and kept him safe and happy
I would prefer to have that black scoundrel Krishna as the resting place for all I have, trouble or anything else..

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