Thursday, April 04, 2024

musings 275

I have had occasion to study politics both at Indian system that of Chanakya, Bheeshma, Yajnavalkya etc.. and the academic western political systems too..
If we study the whole history of rise and fall of empires and administrations spread over the whole of human epoch, we can see that the ruler, under any system, came to power through promises of security and welfare for the subjects, and those who held to their gaddis for long periods or in dynasties, considered this issue very seriously..
But the rulers or their successors got drunk with power and arrogance and ignored the subjects and their aspirations and saftey too, and met their nemesis..
Then another set of administration took over.. rose, ruled and fell in the same manner..
Born to live,rule, and die, dying to be born again in another shape again to live,reign and die and so on..
But the ordinary people would have a golden time only as long as the rulers did have some concern for their welfare and security.
When this phase deteriorates, the people rebel, or the king or ruler gets attacked or ambushed..and overthrown , and in that process the people too suffer..
But this cycle has repeated endlessly over the entire social and political history of living human beings..
There is no difference in this matter between autocracy, democracy, hegemony, orligarchy, communism, socialism.. or the apparent liberalism..

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