Sunday, April 07, 2024

musings 278

The ultimate realization for us should be the capacity to understand and accept our own limitations..
to accept that with grace,
and without cursing ourselves..
and without cursing others if they happen to indicate to us either directly or indirectly about such limitations..
But that seems to be a tall order..
By nature we are not balanced.. we tend to think too much of our own capacities and achievements..
Maybe the hormonal chemistry working within us makes us behave in a strange way.
Often we prefer to live in a wonderland of blunders ..
One great advantage of trying to understand our own limitations is that we can try to travel to wider terrains beyond such limitations..
That attempt might give us some mission to further.. Some vision to realize...
So far so good...
But we need not get depressed just because our capacities are limited.. Further, nothing is gained by crying over such limitations..
A man may negotiate by walk twenty kilometers a day.. A bullock cart might negotiate double that distance.. A train may cover ten times that distance and an airplane may catapult us over continents in a few hours.
We have to just become mature enough to realize whether we can compare ourselves with a pedestrian, a cart, a train or a plane.. Let us be down to earth in that..
Some imagination, might help .. especially the poets..
but physical reality is just the reality..
Better to keep both our feet on firm earth..
k v ananthanarayanan

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