Thursday, April 18, 2024

Respect the person.. we can always agree on that.. although we may not agree with his views

in a civlized sociey we can differ on ideologies.. opinions.. approaches.. and we may air the differences even openly..
even with a little veiled sarcasm..
we may try to demolish the arguments of one another..
it is all in the game..
But we should never attack the person physically ,
We should not decry his appearance or physical or mental disabilities or challenges..
We should never try to take advantage of such frailties which are beyond the realms of subject of contention
We should respect the dignity of one another, and should go to any extent to protect such dignity..
After all ideas are not exactly the human beings..
Ideas are just ideas.
Human pains and pleasures and other emotions too are common to all..
So we should never hit below the belt
In wars of our epics like Mahabharatham we can see that people will fight to kill when the battle starts in the day.
But when the days war is over and the warriors are in their tents there is no danger even if arch enemies visit the places of one another..
Yudhistira could ask for the advice and even the methodology to be adopted to defeat his own preceptor in the oppositions camp.. and he could seek advice from that very Guru..
That was our culture..
Respect the person..
we can always agree on that..
although we may not agree with his views,
approaches and ideology..

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