Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Sir, there is nothing that is utopian

A respected friend sounded skeptical about some subhashitam and termed the idea contained therein as utopian
My response
Sir, there is nothing that is utopian..
In my view the very word Utopia is a cliche..
Human behaviour is like this.. We set our goals at their best and most ideal.. But in reality we are placed a diametrically opposite point.. far behind the goal.. Still we strive.. No one can ever reach the ideal.. But even reaching ten percent of our targets is good enough..
And nothing is really lost if we do not achieve much..
We should take care to retain whatever we have gained..
That is all
It is not fair to think that whatever good that is expected of us at the ideal condition is just a tall and impractical platitude.
Human race made progress only because many set ostensibly impossible targets for themselves, and either achieved them partially or perished while progressing..
There is glory even in dying in harness..
I am always afraid and even galled at the usage of words like "Utopia",, and "impossiblility.".
If we have to reach the rooftop, sometimes we may have to set out our journey in a rocket to moon itself..

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