Sunday, April 14, 2024

The leader of the war should be realistic and down to earth

The leader of the war should be realistic and down to earth... Duryodhana apparently was not..He never tried to understand the chinks in his armour..
Thank God his brothers, especially Dussasana, were faithful to him to the last..
Another glowing tribute to the professional ethics should be paid to Karna..
He fought the war fully knowing that he was up in arms against his own uterine brothers and that lovely cousin of his Krishna whom anyone would love even without any blood relation..
To share the DNA of must have been a thrilling experience for Karna when he came to know of it..
Basically, neither the Pandavas and Kauravas were not the legitimate children of the Kuru race ..
The Dhritarashtra and Pandu sprouted just from external seeds sown in the wombs of the widows of Kuru race..
And Pandavas were illegitimate the second generation too..
Moreover, by his idiotic dice play, a legitimate and legally valid wager of that period Yudhistira has lost all his wealth and whatever agreements like restoration after vanavasam and ajnatha vasam was all hotchpotch..
in fact Duryodhana was being forced to give up a country and its wealth when those were rightfully his..
The idiots who talked about Kshatra Dharma that forced them to play dice, never followed it in many more valid issues..
On the whole Pandavas did have the last laugh because and only because that lovely but wily Krishna sided with them..
the crafty bllack fellow who was very strong and could adapt anything to his own way with his razor sharp intelligence..
Shakuni or anyone was no match to Krishna in the matter of deception and sleight of hand.
.And blood bound him to the Pandavas..
Pritha the Kunthi was a sister, at least a half sister born to the same father to Vasudeva..the father of Krishna..
If I am salute anyone for the complete adherence to the professional ethics and Soldiers honour, I would choose Karna at any time..
and of course Duryodhana would qualify for the runner up..
The readers of the epic MahaBharatham started to gain different views as Krishna.. or the idea of Krishna gained legendary proportions and his persona got merged with Vishnu.,
Star struck, we tend to justify each and every action of Krishna as the ultimate in righteousness and propriety..
Is it really necessary,?
I for one, can love Krishna even with those weak spots..
and it would appear that he is more approachable because of those weak spots.

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