Monday, April 01, 2024

the most profound lesson life has taught me is that one should have faith in God

the most profound lesson life has taught me is that one should have faith in God..
Whatever manner we may pose to fluant our determination and strength of character et al , our minds are fickle and all our determination and declarations can come to nothing in a split second..
We have really no control over ourselves or over anyone else including God.
But it seems that , quite unlike all others and even ourselves, God is amenable to our bonding when it is based on love and virtue.. Maybe I am wrong..
But I have sensed that all through my life..
And faith comes from our mind and feelings..
Not from advices or any religious practices..
The rituals are just manifestations of our faith,
but we should not mistake rituals as the faith itself..
And just as it is not possible to have faith unless we have experiences the presence of God in some way or other,
call the God Krishna, Kali, Karthikeya, Christ, AllaH or anything,
we cannot change faith too and we need not ..
it is like an OTP one time password to bliss.. ..
I may read and digest Quran or Bible,
and I may have profound respect for them and the ideas and ideals they represent,
and I can feel the presence of God in them,
but the God whose presence I would feel is Krishna or Muruga of Shankara..
We need not be Hindus to read Gita or be Muslims or Christians to read and respect Bible or the Holy Qran..
But we can see our God..
it is really the God,
the God of everyone,
only according to our faith..
in every book or message of faith.
And I need not be an atheist just because I read Marx or Nietzhe..
Faith is the greatest gift we are given,
and without Faith our existence would be impossible,
and even if we manage to exist somehow,
life without faith may not be worth living..
But we need not compare one line of faith with another to determine the superiority of any faith or creed..
Sugar is sweet when it is extracted from sugarcane or beetroot or from even if it is syntheseised artificially..
And sugar is sweet even when it is a cube,
it is powder,
it is candy or in whatever shape or in whatever combination
we get it..
Why should we fight in the name of Shapes and forms and rituals?

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