Tuesday, April 02, 2024

United inseparably..

United inseparably..
Even Uma and Shankara did solitary penance to wed each other.. that is.. even..the supreme powers Shiva and Shakthi could unite only through penance..and the integral part of penance is a cut off from all others for some time.. a sort of quarantine.
That is the power of intense mutual attachment..
In the opening stanza of Shivananda Lahari, the attachment of Shiva and Uma is indicated.. निज तप फलाभ्यां... nija tapa phalaabhyaam.. those who got united through doing penance for each other.. (uma and shankara)
The penance of Shiva after the self- immolation of Sati, and the later penance of Parvathi, the re-incarnation of Sati to wed Shiva.. are described in Skandam, Shivapuranam and other holy texts too.. and this act evdencing the mutual affection avidly practice by the divine couple is beautifully portrayed by Kalidasa in Kumara Sambhavam..
The attachment of Uma and Shankara is described by Kalidasa in the opening stanza of Raghuvamsam too.. They are described as, vaagarthau iva samprukthau.. वागर्थाविव संपृक्तौ meaning, attached to one another and insepearable like word and its meaning..
Again in Saundarya Lahari of Shankaracharya... the union of Shiva and Sakthi is the opening theme.. ShivaH shakthyaa yuktho...शिवः शक्त्या युक्तो
And Lalithaa Sahasranaamam concludes calling Mahatripura Sundari as Shiva Shakthyaikya roopinee.. शिव शक्त्यैक्य रूपिणी
So the instinctive attachment happens even among godheads..
Even Shankara Narayana Swaroopam, the creation of Sasta or Ayyappa, etc indicative of this..
The vedic concept of the union of Purusha and Krishna pingala.. oordhvaretha and viroopaaksha.. in the form of Vishvaropa is considered to be the union of Hari and Hara.. Ritam Satyam Param Brahma Purusham Krishna pingalam Oordhvaretham viroopaaksham vishvaroopaaya vai namaH..
ऋतं सत्यं परंब्रह्म पुरुषं कृष्ण पिङ्गलं ऊर्ध्वरेतं विरूपाक्षं विश्वरूपाय वै नमः ( हरि हर प्रार्थना from Vedam)

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