Friday, June 18, 2010

what is that?

ॐ अन्तश्चरति भूतेषु गुहायां विश्वमूर्तिषु।
त्वं यज्ञस्त्वं वषट्कारस्त्वमिन्द्रस्त्वंरुद्रस्तुं विष्णुस्त्वं ब्रह्म त्वम् प्रजापतिः।
त्वं तदाप आपो ज्योते रसोऽमृतं ब्रह्म भूर्भुवस्वरों।

महानरायणोपनिषत् ६८ २
om antaścarati bhūteṣu guhāyāṁ viśvamūrtiṣu| tvaṁ yajñastvaṁ vaṣaṭkārastvamindrastvaṁrudrastuaṁ viṣṇustvaṁ brahma tvam prajāpatiḥ| tvaṁ tadāpa āpo jyotee raso'mṛtaṁ brahma bhūrbhuvasvaroṁ|
mahānarāyaṇopaniṣat 68 2
That supreme Lord moves in the innards of the heart of every being created in forms whatsoever. O the supreme brahmna, you are the sacrifice itself, you are the Vashat manthra, you manifest as Indra, Rudra, Brahmadeva and Prajapati . You are the water, the water that flows in the rivers and the ocean. You are the sun. You are the essential flavour of everything. You are the ambrosia, you ae he embodiment of Vedas and you are the threeforld world bhuh, bhuvah swah..

This is another attempt to define the suprem which cannot be descirbe in words thtough any attributes
।श्रीकृष्णो रक्षतु।
|śrīkṛṣṇo rakṣatu|
Have a nice and happy day
with profound respect and warm regards
K V Ananthanarayanan
त्यजन्तु बान्धवाः सर्वे निन्दन्तु गुरवो जनाःI
तदापि परमानन्दो गोविन्दो मम जीवनंII

Iकृष्णात् परं किमपि तत्वं अहं न जाने"I

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