Friday, October 15, 2010

intellectual slavery

परेषां चेतांसि प्रतिदिवसमारध्य बहुधा
प्रसादं किं नेतुं विशसि हृदय क्लेशकलितं।
प्रसन्ने त्वय्यन्तः स्वयमुदितचिन्तमणिगणो
विविक्तः सङ्कल्पः किमभिलषितं पुष्यति न ते॥
भर्तृहरि    वैरग्यशतकं
pareṣāṁ cetāṁsi pratidivasamāradhya bahudhā
prasādaṁ kiṁ netuṁ viśasi hṛdaya kleśakalitaṁ|
prasanne tvayyantaḥ svayamuditacintamaṇigaṇo
viviktaḥ saṅkalpaḥ kimabhilaṣitaṁ puṣyati na te||
bhartṛhari    vairagyaśatakaṁ

പരേഷാം ചേതാംസി പ്രതിദിവസമാരധ്യ ബഹുധാ
പ്രസാദം കിം നേതും വിശസി ഹൃദയ ക്ലേശകലിതം
പ്രസന്നെ ത്വയി അന്ത: സ്വയമുദിതചിന്താമണിഗണോ
വിവിക്ത: സങ്കല്‍പ: കിമഭിലഷിതം പുഷ്യതി ന തെ

Oh my mind, why do you labour  hard and repeatedly  to please the hearts and moods of others?  If you can make yourself calm and clear, will not very pure and spontaneous gems of thought arise from you ?  And such noble thoughts will pave way for the attainment of all your cherished goals.

Life is quite cumbersome for people who are forced to speculate in advance what would please the boss or the elite who are to provide for their  subsistence.  Gradually it becomes a habit with the ordinary human being to extoll rightly or wrongly the thoughts and actions of others. Such dependence on the whims of others kills the capacity of a human being to think calmly and clearly and take decisions for himself.  Intellectual slavery is worse than the most potent poison.

।श्रीकृष्णो रक्षतु।
|śrīkṛṣṇo rakṣatu|
Have a nice and happy day
with profound respect and warm regards
K V Ananthanarayanan
त्यजन्तु बान्धवाः सर्वे निन्दन्तु गुरवो जनाःI
तदापि परमानन्दो गोविन्दो मम जीवनंII
let all my relatives abandon me, let the great people insult me, still I am in supreme bliss since my life  is GOVINDA alone.
Iकृष्णात् परं किमपि तत्वं अहं न जाने"I
लोकाः समस्ताः सुखिनो भवन्तु।
lokāḥ samastāḥ sukhino bhavantu|

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