Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Fwd: crushed balls

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ananthanarayanan Vaidyanathan <kvananthanarayanan@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 4:56 AM
Subject: crushed balls
To: me <kvananthanarayanan@gmail.com>

अव्यापारेषु व्यापारं यो नरः कर्तुमिच्छति।
स एव निधनं याति कीलोत्पाटीव वानरः॥
avyāpāreṣu vyāpāraṁ yo naraḥ kartumicchati|
sa eva nidhanaṁ yāti kīlotpāṭīva vānaraḥ||

അവ്യാപാരെഷു വ്യാപാരം യോ നര: കര്‍ത്തും ഇച്ഛതി
സ ഏവ നിധനം  യാതി കീലോത്പാടീവ വാനര:
"Anyone who tries to poke into matterswhich are none of his business,
meets his end, just like the monkey whotried to remove the wedge."
Near the city limits, a temple was being builtby the son of a business man. In the noon
time, the carpenters working on that, used togo into the city for lunch.
One day suddenly a group of monkeyswhile roaming came to that place. One of
those carpenters had put a wedge in middleof a half-cut arjuna tree log. The monkeys
started playing with the trees and logs asthey wished.One of those monkeys whose death was
near, sat on that half-cut log and startedremoving the wedge from that. As the
wedge moved out, the monkey's hanginggenitals went into the gaps of the log, got
trapped and the monkey got killed.
I have lifted the translation from one of the texts meant for young children.  The meaning and message are quite clear and without cliches.
Most of us human beings cannot forget the genes of our forefathers.  And so most of the time we are nosey about the business of others.
In place and out of place we always think, interfere with  and criticize the  day to day business of others.  Such opinions are given gratis.
We fail to understand the irritation that such favourite pastime on our parts  causes to others.  The punchline is that at least  once in our lives  we wag our tongues in the wrong place too often  and  get the same parts as our granfather monkey get crushed.  We eminently deserve it

।श्रीकृष्णो रक्षतु।
|śrīkṛṣṇo rakṣatu|
Have a nice and happy day
with profound respect and warm regards
K V Ananthanarayanan
blog   http://kanfusion.blogspot.com/
त्यजन्तु बान्धवाः सर्वे निन्दन्तु गुरवो जनाःI
तदापि परमानन्दो गोविन्दो मम जीवनंII
let all my relatives abandon me, let the great people insult me, still I am in supreme bliss since my life  is GOVINDA alone.
Iकृष्णात् परं किमपि तत्वं अहं न जाने"I
लोकाः समस्ताः सुखिनो भवन्तु।
lokāḥ samastāḥ sukhino bhavantu|

।श्रीकृष्णो रक्षतु।
|śrīkṛṣṇo rakṣatu|
Have a nice and happy day
with profound respect and warm regards
K V Ananthanarayanan
blog   http://kanfusion.blogspot.com/
त्यजन्तु बान्धवाः सर्वे निन्दन्तु गुरवो जनाःI
तदापि परमानन्दो गोविन्दो मम जीवनंII
let all my relatives abandon me, let the great people insult me, still I am in supreme bliss since my life  is GOVINDA alone.
Iकृष्णात् परं किमपि तत्वं अहं न जाने"I
लोकाः समस्ताः सुखिनो भवन्तु।
lokāḥ samastāḥ sukhino bhavantu|

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