Thursday, August 11, 2011

even the fire could not withstand the intensity of her chastity

ततः सुग्रीवसहितो गत्वा तीरं महोदधेः। समुद्रं क्षोभयामास शरैरादित्यसन्निभैः॥७९॥
दर्शयामास चात्मानं समुद्रः सरितां पतिः। समुद्रवचनाच्चैव नलं सेतुमकारयत्॥८०॥
तेन गत्वा पुरीं लङ्कां हत्वा रावणमाहवे। रामः सीतामनुप्राप्य परां व्रीडामुपागमत्॥८१॥
तामुवाच ततो रामः परुषां जनसंसदि। अमृष्यमाणा सा सीता निवेश ज्वलनम् सती॥८२
ततोऽग्निवचनात् सीतां ज्ञात्वा विगतकल्मषां।  कर्मणा तेन महता त्रैलोक्यं सचराचरम्॥८३॥
सदेवर्षिगणं तुष्टं राघवस्य महात्मनः॥ बभौ रामः सम्प्रहृष्टः पूजितः सर्वदेवतैः॥८४॥
अभिषिच्य च लङ्कायां राक्षसेन्द्रं विभीषणं।  कृतकृत्यस्तदा रामो विज्वरः प्रमुमोद ह॥८५॥
देवताभ्यो वरं प्राप्य समुत्थाय च वानारान्। अयोध्याम् प्रस्थितो रामः पुष्पकेण सुहृद्वृतः॥८६॥
भरद्वाजाश्रमं गत्वा रांअः सत्यपराक्रमः।  भरतस्यान्तिके रामो हनूमन्तं व्यसर्जयत्॥८७॥
पुनराख्यायिकां जल्पन् सुग्रीवसहितस्तदा।  पुष्पकं तत् समारुह्य नन्दिग्रामं ययौ तदा॥८८॥
नन्दिग्रामे जटां हित्वा भ्रतृभिः सहितोऽनघः।  रामः सीतामनुप्राप्य राज्यं पुनरवाप्तवान्॥८९॥
॥श्रीमद्वाल्मीकीये रामायणे आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे अध्यायः--१-॥

ततः स प्रयतो वृद्धो वसिष्ठो ब्राह्मणैः सह I  रामं रत्नमये पीठे ससीतं संन्यवेशयत्॥
वसिस्ठो वामदेवश्च जाबालिरथ काश्यपः। कात्यायनः सुयज्ञश्च गौतमो विजयस्तथा।
अब्यषिञ्जन्नरव्याघ्रं प्रसन्नेन सुगन्धिना।  सलिलेन सहस्राक्षं वसवो वासवं यथI॥
tataH sugriivasahito gatwaa tiiraM mahodadheH. samudraM kSobhayaamaasa sharairaadityasannibhaiH..79..
darshayaamaasa chaatmaanaM samudraH saritaaM patiH. samudravachanaachchaiva nalaM setumakaarayat..80..
tena gatwaa puriiM la~NkaaM hatwaa raavaNamaahave. raamaH siitaamanupraapya paraaM vriiDaamupaagamat..81..
taamuvaacha tato raamaH paruSaaM janasaMsadi. amR^iSyamaaNaa saa siitaa nivesha jwalanam satii..82
tato.agnivachanaat siitaaM j~naatwaa vigatakalmaSaaM.  karmaNaa tena mahataa trailokyaM sacharaacharam..83..
sadevarSigaNaM tuSTaM raaghavasya mahaatmanaH.. babhau raamaH samprahR^iSTaH puujitaH sarvadevataiH..84..
abhiSichya cha la~NkaayaaM raakSasendraM vibhiiSaNaM.  kR^itakR^ityastadaa raamo vijwaraH pramumoda ha..85..
devataabhyo varaM praapya samutthaaya cha vaanaaraan. ayodhyaam prasthito raamaH puSpakeNa suhR^idvR^itaH..86..
bharadwaajaashramaM gatwaa raaMaH satyaparaakramaH.  bharatasyaantike raamo hanuumantaM vyasarjayat..87..
punaraakhyaayikaaM jalpan sugriivasahitastadaa.  puSpakaM tat samaaruhya nandigraamaM yayau tadaa..88..
nandigraame jaTaaM hitwaa bhratR^ibhiH sahito.anaghaH.  raamaH siitaamanupraapya raajyaM punaravaaptavaan..89..
..shriimadvaalmiikiiye raamaayaNe aadikaavye baalakaaNDe adhyaayaH--1-..

Sage Naarada continues with his narrative on Sri Rama. On being informed that Sita was kept in captivity by Ravana in the Ashokavana of Lanka and that she has been seen by Hanumaan.  Rama in the company of Sugriva proceeded to the southern coast of India.  He could not easily find a way to cross the sea and reach Lanka to defeat Ravana and retrieve Seetha.  In great anger Rama showered arrows at the sea and the frightened King of Seas appeared before Rama and explained to him that a bridge could be built in the sea to reach Lanka with the help of Nala the monkey, the minister of Sugriva and the son of the divine architecht Vishwakarma.  The bridge was built.  In the meanwhile Vibheeshana the youngest brother of Ravana was insulted by his elder brother for arguing that it was wrong on the part of Ravana to have abducted Seetha and was banished from Lanka and took refuge in Sri Rama.  Reaching Lanka, Rama wage a valiant war against Ravana and with the help of valorous Hanumaan finally felled Ravana.  Seetha was free now. But Rama was ashamed to face the public gossip that would follow if he received back Seetha who had been kept in an alien land all alone for so long. So he uttered very harsh words about the purity of Seetha in the presence of the Public.  Seetha could not tolerate the insult and she decided to enter fire and give up her life.  The fire was lit and Seetha entered the burning fire but the fire could not withstand  the intensity of her chastity, and the god of fire emerged in person taking Seetha with him and declaring that the daughter of Janaka was purity personified. For this action the divine couple were praised in all the three worlda.  The gods, sages and all celestial beings were pleased at the fall of Ravana and showered praise on Rama. Rama then ensured that Vibheeshana was anointed as the king of Lanka.  Having regained Seetha, and having convinced the world of her purity through the test by fire, Rama was very happy in the company of Seetha.  He sought and obtained  boons from the Gods that all the warriors in his side who had laid down their lives in the battle should be brought back to life.  Then he started off to Ayodhya by the Pushpakavimaanam in the company of Sugreeva and Vibhiishana and the whole army of monkeys.  He was given a warm reception by Sage Bharadwaja in his hermitage en-route to Ayodhya.  Rama sent Hanuman to Bharatha in Nandigrama  with the news of his victorious comeback. to Ayodhya.  Firnally Rama with his huge entourage landed up in Ayodhya  to receive a warm welcome from Bharatha and the entire populace.  He was anointed as the King of Ayodhya by the sages led by Vasishta and  finally the rule of righteousness, the Ramaraajyam became a reality.
"When the muhurtham for pattabhishekam arrived,  the elderaly Vasishta, followed by other learned people led Rama along with seetha to be seated on a throne made of jewels.. There Vasishta, vaamadeva, jaabali, kashyapa, kaatyaayana, suyajna, gauthama and vijaya, the great sages and ministers of ayodhya, poured holy waters on the royal couple...this resembled the eight vasus performing the abhisheka of the lord of the heaven.. Indra"
The brief narrative of Ramayanam by Narada ends here.  Left only are a few slokas describing the happiness of the world while Rama reigned. God willing, that narrative will be posted tomorrow.
।श्रीकृष्णो रक्षतु।
|śrīkṛṣṇo rakṣatu|
Have a nice and happy day
with profound respect and warm regards
K V Ananthanarayanan
त्यजन्तु बान्धवाः सर्वे निन्दन्तु गुरवो जनाःI
तदापि परमानन्दो गोविन्दो मम जीवनंII
let all my relatives abandon me, let the great people insult me, still I am in supreme bliss since my life  is GOVINDA alone.
Iकृष्णात् परं किमपि तत्वं अहं न जाने"I
लोकाः समस्ताः सुखिनो भवन्तु।
lokāḥ samastāḥ sukhino bhavantu|

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