Saturday, August 27, 2011

Laja Homa

After the Kanya-dan the young bride may feel that both she and her brothers have been born
in the same house and both have equal rights for affection and affluence but she
is being sent into another family. To reassure her that she need not entertain such
the brothers give to their sister the Laja (parched rice) foroffering in the fire. The idea symbolically is that just as paddy plants aretransplated from their original germinating ground to another field facilitate proper growthand yield of crop , the girls have to be married and transplanted in anotherfamily. It is clear from this that the girls cannot remain in their father’s
house for ever.
. By filling the stretched palms of their sister to the full, with Lajas the brothersassure her that whenever she will gofrom her father’s house to her husband’s house, they will
be always there to provide her with whatever she wants . It is the practice in affectionate families that whenever a sister visits she will never go empty handed to her own house..and this implied gesture will be seen even if the brother is ninety years old and the sister is eighty.
It is with such reassured and happy mind that the bride offers three oblations
of the Lajas-parched rice in the fire through her husband and recites the following three
mantras ; —
अर्यम्णं देवं कन्या अग्नियक्षत सनो देवः प्रेतो मुञ्चतु मा पतेः॥
ॐ इयं नार्युपब्रूते लाजानवपन्तिका आयुष्मानस्तु मे पतिरेधन्ता ज्ञातयो मम।
ॐ इमान् लाजानावपाम्यग्नौ अमृद्धिकरणम् तव मम तुभ्यं च संवननं तदग्निरनुमन्यतामियत्।
aryamṇaṁ devaṁ kanyā agniyakṣata sano devaḥ preto muñcatu mā pateeḥ||
om iyaṁ nāryupabrūte lājānavapantikā āyuṣmānastu me patiredhantā jñātayo mama|
om imān lājānāvapāmyagnau amṛddhikaraṇam tava mama tubhyaṁ ca saṁvananaṁ tadagniranumanyatāmiyat|
The firsr mantra signifies that she is propitiating godAryma and is bidding adieus to her parents and brothers and with mixed feeling going away from her father’s house to her husband’s house, God Aryma may not ever separate her from her husband
A very lofty idea is enshrined in this mantra-the
bride never would entertain even in the remotest corner of her mind the idea of separation
from her husband. That is why in Hindu marriage even the idea of divorce is entirely and completely missing. In the second mantra she seeks the benedictions of her brothers and relatives for the long life ofher husband and in turn wishes them alround prosperity.
In the thirdmantra addressing her husband she says, “My Lord and husband, by offering the
oblations of Lajas in the fire I pray to God that our mutual love should always remain strong and firm There is. a deep significance in the act of the bride in not offering
the Lajas herself to the agni, even though given by her brothers, but she hands it over to the husband to offer it to the fire. If the wife forms the kernel of the rice, the husband is the outer protective shell which also carries in its tip the cells for germination, and the kernel separated from the shell cannot grow further, the wife without the presence of
the husband has no significance. The vice versa is equally important. Shiva and Sakthi cannot remain without the presence of one another. The bride in good faith is requesting the Gods with offer of the puffed rice that her life with her husband should ever be without separation.

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