Saturday, August 27, 2011

The whole universe is a created by Him as if it is a joke

निर्व्यापारोऽपि निष्कारणमज भजसे यत्क्रियामीक्षनाख्यां
तेनेवोदेति लीन प्रकृतिरसतिकल्पापि कल्पादिकाले।
तस्याः संशुद्धमंशं कमपि तमतिरोधायकं सत्त्वरूपं
स त्वम् धृत्वा दधासि स्वमहिमविभवकुण्ठ वैकुण्ठ रूपं॥५॥
श्रीमन्नारायणीये दशकम्॥१॥
nirvyāpāro'pi niṣkāraṇamaja bhajase yatkriyāmīkṣanākhyāṁ
tenevodeti līna prakṛtirasatikalpāpi kalpādikāle|
tasyāḥ saṁśuddhamaṁśaṁ kamapi tamatirodhāyakaṁ sattvarūpaṁ
sa tvam dhṛtvā dadhāsi svamahimavibhavakuṇṭha vaikuṇṭha rūpaṁ||5||
śrīmannārāyaṇīye daśakam ||1||
My Lord Guruvayurappa, you are without any action or attributes for yourself, still for some reason only known to your exalted and superior self, you apparently assumed the action for a moment and at that moment your own illusory powers which must have been inherent in you, manifested as prakriti or Maya at the beginning of the kalpa (the beginning of time).. And you whose exalted self is self evident and cannot be repulsed by anything like illusion or maya, you the Vishnu with the abode at Vaikunda, you assume a form uncontaminated by any prakriti or maaya, and that form is comprised only of the superior character of Sattwa.
Just as it pleased Him he for a second created and let loose his prakriti or maya to create the world of illusion with rajas and tamo gunas. But the illusory creation can never affect His exalted state and by His own exalted will he assumed a form comprised of Sattwaguna alone and stationed Himself at Guruvayur.
The whole universe is a created by Him as if it is a joke

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