Sunday, July 01, 2012

Sundarakandam Chapter 58 4

संभाषणार्थे च मया जानक्याः चिन्तितो विधिः॥ ५-५८-९१
इक्ष्वाकुकुल वंशस्तु ततो मम पुरस्कृतः।
श्रुत्वा तु गदितां वाचं राजर्षिगण पूजिताम्॥ ५-५८-९२
प्रत्यभाषत मां देवी बाष्पैः पिहितलोचना।
कस्त्वम् केन कथञ्चेह प्राप्तो वानरपुङ्गव॥ ५-५८-९३
का च रामेण ते प्रीतिस्तन्मे शम्सितुं अर्हसि।
तस्याः तद्वचनम् श्रुत्वा अहमप्यब्रुवम् वचः॥ ५-५८-९४
देवि रामस्य भर्तुस्ते सहायो भीमविक्रमः।
सुग्रीवो नाम विक्रान्तो वानरेन्दो महाबलः॥ ५-५८-९५
तस्य मां विद्धि भृत्यं त्वं हनूमन्तमिहागतम्।
भर्त्राऽहं प्रहितस्तुभ्यं रामेण अक्लिष्टकर्मणा॥ ५-५८-९६
इदं च पुरुषव्याघ्रः श्रीमान्दाशरथिः स्वयम्।
अङ्गुलीयं अभिज्ञानमादात्तुभ्यं यशस्विनि॥ ५-५८-९७
तदिच्छामि त्वयाज्ञप्तं देवि किं करवाण्यहम्।
रामलक्ष्मणयोः पार्श्वं नयामि त्वां किमुत्तरम्॥ ५-५८-९८
एतत् श्रुत्वा विदित्वा च सीता जनकनन्दिनी।
आह रावणमुत्साद्य राघवो मां नयत्विति॥ ५-५८-९९
प्रणम्य शिरसा देवीं अहं आर्यां अनिन्दिताम्।
राघवस्य मनोह्लादं अभिज्ञानमयाचिषम्॥ ५-५८-१००
अथ मामब्रवीत्सीता गृह्यतामयमुत्तमः।
मणिर्येन महाबाहू रामस्त्वां बहुमन्यते॥ ५-५८-१०१
इत्युक्त्वा तु  वरारोहा मणिप्रवरमद्भुतम्।
प्रायच्छत् परमोद्विग्ना वाचा मां सन्दिदेश ह॥ ५-५८-१०२
ततस्तस्यै प्रणम्याहं राजपुत्र्यै समाहितः।
प्रदक्षिणम् परिक्राममिहाभ्युद्गत मानसः॥ ५-५८-१०३
उत्तरम् पुनरेवेदं  निश्चित्य मनसा तया।
हनूमन् मम वृत्तान्तं वक्तुमर्हसि राघवे॥ ५-५८-१०४
यदा श्रुत्वैव न चिरात्तावुभौ रामलक्ष्मणौ।
सुग्रीवसहितौ वीरावुपेयातां तथा कुरु॥ ५-५८-१०५
यद्यन्यथा भवेतेतद् द्वौ मासौ जीवितं मम।
न मां द्रक्ष्यति काकुत्स्थो म्रिये साऽहं अनाथवत्॥ ५-५८-१०६
तत् श्रुत्वा करुणं वाक्यं क्रोधो मां अभ्यवर्तत।
उत्तरं च मया दृष्टं कार्यशेषमनन्तरम्॥ ५-५८-१०७
ततोऽवर्धत मे कायस्तदा पर्वतसम्निभः।
युद्धकाङ्क्षी वनं तच्च विनाशयितुं आरभे॥ ५-५८-१०८
तद्भग्नम् वनषण्डन्तु भ्रान्तत्रस्तमृगद्विजम्।
प्रतिबुद्धा निरीक्षन्ते राक्षस्यो विकृताननाः॥ ५-५८-१०९
मां च दृष्ट्वा वने तस्मिन् समागम्य ततस्ततः।
ताः समभ्यागताः क्षिप्रं रावणायाचचक्षिरे॥ ५-५८-११०
राजन् वनमिदं दुर्गं तव भग्नं दुरात्मना।
वानरेण हि अविज्ञाय तव वीर्यं महाबल॥ ५-५८-१११
दुर्बुद्धेस्तस्य राजेन्द्र तव विप्रियकारिणः।
वधं आज्ञापय क्षिप्रं यथाऽसौ विलयं व्रजेत्॥ ५-५८-११२
तत् श्रुत्वा राक्षसेन्द्रेण विसृष्टा भृशदुर्जयाः।
राक्षसाः किङ्करा नाम रावणस्य मनोऽनुगाः॥ ५-५८-११३
तेषामशीतिसाहस्रम् शूलमुद्गरपाणिनाम्।
मया तस्मिन् वनोद्देशे परिघेण निषूदितम्॥ ५-५८-११४
तेषां तु हत शेषा ये ते गत्वा लघुविक्रमाः।
निहतञ्च महत्  सैन्यं रावणायाचचक्षिरे॥ ५-५८-११५
ततो मे बुद्धिरुत्पन्ना चैत्य प्रासादमाक्रमम्।
तत्रस्थान् राक्षसान् हत्वा शतं स्तम्भेन वै पुनः॥ ५-५८-११६
ललामभूतो लङ्काया मया विध्वम्सितो मया।
ततः प्रहस्तस्य सुतम् जम्बुमालिनमादिशत्॥ ५-५८-११७
राक्षसैर्बहुभिः सार्धं घोररूपैर्भयानकैः।
तमहम् बलसम्पन्नं राक्षसं रण कोविदम्॥ ५-५८-११८
परिघेणातिघोरेण सूदयामि सहानुगम्।
तत् श्रुत्वा राक्षसेन्द्रस्तु मन्त्रिपुत्रान् महाबलान्॥ ५-५८-११९
पदातिबलसम्पन्नान् प्रेषयामास रावणः।
परिघेणैव तान् सर्वाननयां यमसादनम्॥ ५-५८-१२०
मन्त्रिपुत्रान्हतान् श्रुत्वा समरे लघुविक्रमान्।
पञ्चसेनाग्रगान् शूरान् प्रेषयामास रावणः॥ ५-५८-१२१
तानहं सह सैन्यान् वै सर्वानेवाभ्यसूदयम्।
ततः पुनः दशग्रीवः पुत्रमक्षम् महाबलम्॥ ५-५८-१२२
बहुभी राक्षसैः सार्धम् प्रेषयामास रावणः।
तम् तु मन्दोदरीपुत्रं कुमारं रण पण्डितम्॥ ५-५८-१२३
सहसा खं समुत्क्रान्तं पादयोः च गृहीतवान्।
चर्मासिनम् शतगुणम् भ्रामयित्वा व्यपेषयम्॥ ५-५८-१२४
तमक्षमागतं भग्नं निशम्य स दशाननः।
तत इन्द्रजितं नाम द्वितीयं रावणः सुतम्॥ ५-५८-१२५
व्यादिदेश सुसङ्क्रुद्धो बलिनं युद्धदुर्मदम्।
तत्चाप्यहं बलं सर्वं तं च राक्षस पुङ्गवम्॥ ५-५८-१२६
नष्टोजसम् रणे कृत्वा परं हर्षमुपागमम्।
महता हि महाबाहुः प्रत्ययेन महाबलः॥ ५-५८-१२७
प्रेषितो रावणेनैव सह वीरैर्मदोत्कटैः।
सोऽविषह्यं हि मां बुद्ध्वा स्वबलञ्चावमर्दितम्।
ब्राह्मेणास्त्रेण स तु माम् प्रबध्नाच्चातिवेगतः॥ ५-५८-१२८
रज्जूभिश्च  बबन्धुस्ते ततो मां तत्र राक्षसाः॥ ५-५८-१२९
रावणस्य समीपञ्च गृहीत्वा मामुपानयन्।
दृष्ट्वा संभाषितश्चाहं रावणेन दुरात्मना॥ ५-५८-१३०
पृष्टश्च लङ्कागमनं राक्षसानां च तद्वधम्।
तत्सर्वं च मया तत्र सीतार्थं इति जल्पितम्॥ ५-५८-१३१
अस्याः सन्दर्शनाकाङ्क्षी प्राप्तस्त्वद्भवनं विभो।
मारुतस्यौरसः पुत्रो वानरो हनुमानहम्॥ ५-५८-१३२
रामदूतं च मां विद्धि सुग्रीवसचिवम् कपिम्।
सोऽहं दौत्येन रामस्य त्वत्सकाशमिहागतः॥ ५-५८-१३३
saṁbhāṣaṇārthe ca mayā jānakyāḥ cintito vidhiḥ || 5-58-91
ikṣvākukula vaṁśastu tato mama puraskṛtaḥ |
śrutvā tu gaditāṁ vācaṁ rājarṣigaṇa pūjitām || 5-58-92
pratyabhāṣata māṁ devī bāṣpaiḥ pihitalocanā |
kastvam kena kathañceha prāpto vānarapuṅgava || 5-58-93
kā ca rāmeṇa te prītistan me śamsituṁ arhasi |
tasyāḥ tadvacanam śrutvā ahamapyabruvam vacaḥ || 5-58-94
devi rāmasya bhartuste sahāyo bhīmavikramaḥ |
sugrīvo nāma vikrānto vānarendo mahābalaḥ || 5-58-95
tasya mām viddhi bhṛtyaṁ tvaṁ hanūmantamihāagatam |
bhartrā'ham prahitastubhyam rāmeṇa akliṣṭakarmaṇā || 5-58-96
idaṁ ca puruṣavyāghraḥ śrīmāndāśarathiḥ svayam |
aṅgulīyaṁ abhijñānamādātatubhyaṁ yaśasvini || 5-58-97
tadicchāmi tvayāājñaptaṁ devi kiṁ karavāṇyaham |
rāmalakṣmaṇayoḥ pārśvaṁ nayāmi tvāṁ kimuttaram || 5-58-98
etat śrutvā viditvā ca sītā janakanandinī |
āha rāvaṇamutsādya rāghavo māṁ nayatviti || 5-58-99
praṇamya śirasā devīṁ ahaṁ āryāṁ aninditām |
rāghavasya manohlādaṁ abhijñānamayāciṣam || 5-58-100
atha māmabravītsītā gṛhyatāmayamuttamaḥ |
maṇiryena mahābāhū rāmastvāṁ bahumanyate || 5-58-101
ityuktvā tu  varāarohā maṇipravaramadbhutam |
prāyacchat paramodvignā vācā mām sandideśa ha || 5-58-102
tatastasyai praṇamyāhaṁ rājaputryai samāhitaḥ |
pradakṣiṇam parikrāmamihābhyudgata mānasaḥ || 5-58-103
uttaram punarevedaṁ  niścitya manasā tayā |
hanūman mama vṛttāntaṁ vaktumarhasi rāghave || 5-58-104
yadā śrutvaiva na cirāttāvubhau rāmalakṣmaṇau |
sugrīvasahitau vīrāvupeyātāṁ tathā kuru || 5-58-105
yadyanyathā bhavetetad dvau māsau jīvitaṁ mama |
na māṁ drakṣyati kākutstho mriye sā'haṁ anāthavat || 5-58-106
tat śrutvā karuṇaṁ vākyaṁ krodho māṁ abhyavartata |
uttaraṁ ca mayā dṛṣṭaṁ kāryaśeṣamanantaram || 5-58-107
tato'vardhata me kāyastadā parvatasamnibhaḥ |
yuddha kāṅkṣī vanam tacca vināśayituṁ ārabhe || 5-58-108
tadbhagnam vanaṣaṇḍantu bhrāntatrastamṛgadvijam |
pratibuddhā nirīkṣante rākṣasyo vikṛtānanāḥ || 5-58-109
māṁ ca dṛṣṭvā vane tasmin samāgamya tatastataḥ |
tāḥ samabhyāgatāḥ kṣipraṁ rāvaṇāyācacakṣire || 5-58-110
rājan vanamidaṁ durgaṁ tava bhagnaṁ durātmanā |
vānareṇa hi avijñāya tava vīryaṁ mahābala || 5-58-111
durbuddhestasya rājendra tava vipriyakāriṇaḥ |
vadhaṁ ājñāpaya kṣipraṁ yathā'sau vilayaṁ vrajet || 5-58-112
tat śrutvā rākṣasendreṇa visṛṣṭā bhṛśadurjayāḥ |
rākṣasāḥ kiṅkarā nāma rāvaṇasya mano'nugāḥ || 5-58-113
teṣāmaśītisāhasram śūlamudgarapāṇinām |
mayā tasmin vanoddeśe parigheṇa niṣūditam || 5-58-114
teṣāṁ tu hata śeṣā ye te gatvā laghuvikramāḥ |
nihatañca mahat  sainyaṁ rāvaṇāyācacakṣire || 5-58-115
tato me buddhirutpannā caitya prāsādamākramam |
tatrasthān rākṣasān hatvā śataṁ stambhena vai punaḥ || 5-58-116
lalāmabhūto laṅkāyā mayā vidhvamsito mayā |
tataḥ prahastasya sutam jambumālinamādiśat || 5-58-117
rākṣasairbahubhiḥ sārdhaṁ ghorarūpairbhayānakaiḥ |
tamaham balasampannaṁ rākṣasaṁ raṇa kovidam || 5-58-118
parigheṇātighoreṇa sūdayāmi sahānugam |
tat śrutvā rākṣasendrastu mantriputrān mahābalān || 5-58-119
padātibalasampannān preṣayāmāsa rāvaṇaḥ |
parigheṇaiva tān sarvānanayāṁ yamasādanam || 5-58-120
mantr putrān hatān śrutvā samare laghuvikramān |
pancasenāgragān śūrān preṣayāmāsa rāvaṇaḥ || 5-58-121
tānahaṁ saha sainyān vai sarvānevābhyasūdayam |
tataḥ punaḥ daśagrīvaḥ putramakṣam mahābalam || 5-58-122
bahubhī rākasaiḥ sārdham preṣayāmāsa rāvaṇaḥ |
tam tu mandodarīputraṁ kumāraṁ raṇa paṇḍitam || 5-58-123
sahasā khaṁ samutkrāntaṁ pādayoḥ ca gṛhītavān |
carmāsinam śataguṇam bhrāmayitvā vyapeṣayam || 5-58-124
tamakṣamāgataṁ bhagnaṁ niśamya sa daśānanaḥ |
tata indrajitaṁ nāma dvitīyaṁ rāvaṇaḥ sutam || 5-58-125
vyādideśa susaṅkruddho balinaṁ yuddhadurmadam |
tatcāpyahaṁ balaṁ sarvaṁ taṁ ca rākṣasa puṅgavam || 5-58-126
naṣṭojasam raṇe kṛtvā paraṁ harṣamupāgamam |
mahatā hi mahābāhuḥ pratyayena mahābalaḥ || 5-58-127
preṣito rāvaṇenaiva saha vīrairmadotkaṭaiḥ |
so'viṣahyaṁ hi māṁ buddhvā svabalañcāvamarditam |
brāhmeṇāstreṇa sa tu mām prabadhnāccātivegataḥ || 5-58-128
rajjūbhiśca  babandhuste tato māṁ tatra rākṣasāḥ || 5-58-129
rāvaṇasya samīpañca gṛhītvā māmupānayan |
dṛṣṭvā saṁbhāṣitaścāhaṁ rāvaṇena durātmanā || 5-58-130
pṛṣṭaśca laṅkāgamanaṁ rākṣasānāṁ ca tadvadham |
tatsarvaṁ ca mayā tatra sītāarthaṁ iti jalpitam || 5-58-131
asyāḥ sandarśana akāṅkṣī prāptastvadbhavanaṁ vibho |
mārutasyaurasaḥ putro vānaro hanumānaham || 5-58-132
rāmadūtaṁ ca mām viddhi sugrīvasacivam kapim |
so'haṁ dautyena rāmasya tvatsakāśamihāgataḥ|| 5-58-133

I was thinking of ways and means to get an opportunity to communicate with the daughter of Janaka. I started narrating the eulogy of the race of Ikshwaaku( the ancestral lineage of Rama). Hearing the song about the glory of that race Seetha looked up with eyes filled with tears and talked to me.  “ who are you and for what purpose you have come here, do tell me  the foremost amongst monkeys?.  Also tell me what is the reason for your pleasant relation with Rama.”  Listening to her words I replied.  “O mother, the King of monkeys, Sugreeva of great valour is the friend of Rama.  May you be pleased to  know me as the servant of that Sugreeva,  Hanuman by name, and I have come here.  I have been directed by your husband  Rama, the achiever of great deeds,  to come here in search of you, my beloved mother.
Please see this signet ring belonging to that tiger among men Rama, who has directed me to deliver this  to you my mother of great virtue.  Now I am waiting upon you to take your orders as to what course of action I should follow from now onwards.  Please tell me what message you are ordering me to be taken to Rama and Lakshmana.  Hearing this and realising my credentials after seeing the ring, the daughter of Janaka, Devi Seetha  said that Rama should defeat Ravana and lead her back in honour. Taking the order of the divine mother  who is of blesmishless virtue, with bowed head in supplication I pleaded for some object from her for the recognition of Rama.
She gave me the  wonderful jewel which adorned her head and told me to show this to Rama and assured me that he will recognize it and receive me with honour. Also she asked me to deliver her message to Rama.   I  mentally prostrated before her, and circumamulated the mother with great respect . Finally before giving me leave to depart, she told me. “O Hanuman, you should report to Rama all that you saw here and also my plight in a way that on hearing the tidings both Rama and Lakshmana in the company of Sugreeva would rush to Lanka to ensure my rescue.
If they do not arrive within time, there will be great damage done. I am given time of two months alone by Ravana  to live.  If that Kaakutsa, the Rama does not come to rescue me within that time I will have to die here like an orphan.”    
Hearing those words, I was overcome with rage directed against Ravana.  I decided in my mind what job is left for me in Lanka. My body grew to the size of a mountain.  And very eager for a fight, I started inundating that favourite  garden of Ravana. The animals and the birds in the garden were agitated and they started running helter skelter creating a lot of commotion.  The ugly-faced demonesses who were asleep woke up hearing the din and bustle.  And roaming around the gardent they saw me destroying it. They rushed to Ravana and reported the bad news that an evil monkey has totally destroyed his beloved garden and that the monkey must have done it without realizing the great valour of Ravana. They represented that immediate orders should be issued for the execution of  that monkey.  Hearing this Ravana who is the Indra among Rakshasaas,  despatched a special detachment of soldiers named Kinkaras to  fight and kill me.  The kinkarars in thousands, armed with tridents and barbed bludgeons marched towards me. I made  a short job of them by simply crushing most of them with an iron pestle I happened to see in the grove.  Someone among them who had stealthily run away reported to Ravana abut the rout of the Kinkara brigade.  Now a fresh idea struck me. I proceeded towards the main mansion in the heart of the city of Lanka  and killed the Rakshasas who were present there crushing them with an uprooted pillar. Further I razed the mansion which was the pride of Lanka, to the ground.  Then Ravana instructed Jambumali, the son of Prahasta the minister, to handle my assault.  He came for the fight accompanied by many demons who were of terrible shape.  I faced the  well-trained warrior and his army with an iron pestle and I made the best use of it to make mincemeat of the whole lot.  The next turn to fight was awarded by Ravana to the battalion led by the sons of the ministers of Ravana, who were famed to be great fighters.  Here also, they marched towards with me with a huge number of soldiers in tandem  and all of them including the leaders were duly despatched by me using the good offices of the iron pestle again.  The news of the departure of the sons of the ministers was duly reported to Ravana and he detailed the five leading generals of his army for further assault on me.  The story was repeated and I simply killed them all along with their army.  Then  the ten-headed Ravana  handed over the mission of annihilating me to his own son the valiant Akshakumara. He was backed up by innumerable Rakshasa soldiers.  The prince was the son of Mandodari and an acclaimed expert in warfare.  I just caught hold of his legs when he was jumping down in a war exercise against me ,  caught him between my legs, strangled him, rotated his torso a hundred times and catapulted him away completely mashed.  When Akshakumara also departed to the abode of  yama,  Ravana called his heroic son Indrajit to face me and put an end to this macabre game.  I had no difficulty in reducing the force of this Indrajit to nought, and I was really jubiliant now.  But Indrajit  knowing that I was invincible used the ultimate weapon, Brahmastra, which would not harm me seriously because of a boon from the Brahmadeva himself but I had to show respect to  the pitamaha and the ultimate weapon and so remained bound by it for a muhurta.  Meanwhile the Raakshasaas made a thorough job of tying me up with ropes.  In fact when something else was tied over the spell of the Brahmastra, the brahmastra simply withdrew its effect. But by now I was eager to meet Ravana and tell him a few words. So I pretended as if I was bound and Indrajit and his followers dragged me along the streets and presented me before their King and master. I came face to face with the evil Ravana and he interrogated me as to why I had come to Lanka and why I had killed so many Rakshasaas. I  simply stated that I had come to Lanka in search of Devi Sita.  I stated that I had visited his house to see if Seetha was confined there.  I introduced  myself to Ravana as the Son of the God of Wind, living in the shape of a monkey named Hanuman. I also made it known to him that I had come to Lanka as the emissary of the Great Hero Rama and that I was an important minister of the king of monkeys, Sugriva.

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