Monday, July 02, 2012

Sundarakandam Chapter 58 5

सुग्रीवश्च महातेजाः स त्वां कुशलमब्रवीत्।
धर्मार्थकामसहितं हितं पथ्यमुवाच च॥ ५-५८-१३४
वसतो ऋष्यमूके मे पर्वते विपुलद्रुमे।
राघवो रणविक्रान्तो मित्रत्वं समुपागतः॥ ५-५८-१३५
तेन मे कथितं राजन् भार्या मे रक्षसा हृता।
तत्र साहाय्यहेतोः मे समयं कर्तुमर्हसि॥ ५-५८-१३६
मया च कथितं तस्मै वालिनश्च वधं प्रति।
तत्र साहय्यहेतोर्मे समयं कर्तुमर्हसि॥ ५-५८-१३७
वालिना हृतराज्येन सुग्रीवेण सह प्रभुः।
चक्रे अग्निसाक्षिकम् सख्यं राघवः सहलक्ष्मणः॥ ५-५८-१३८
तेन वालिनं उत्साद्य शरेणेकेन सम्युगे।
वानराणां महाराजः कृतः सम्प्लवतां प्रभुः॥ ५-५८-१३९
तस्य साहाय्यं अस्माभिः कार्यं सर्वात्मना त्विह।
तेन प्रस्थापितः तुभ्यं समीपमिह धर्मतः॥ ५-५८-१४०
क्षिप्रं आनीयतां सीता दीयतां राघवस्य च।
यावन्न हरयो वीरा विधमन्ति बलं तव॥ ५-५८-१४१
वानराणां प्रभवो हि न केन विदितः पुरा।
देवतानां सकाशं च ये गच्छन्ति निमन्त्रिताः॥ ५-५८-१४२
इति वानरराजस्त्वां आहेत्यभिहितो मया।
मां ऐक्षत ततो रुष्टः चक्षुषा प्रदहन्निव॥ ५-५८-१४३
तेनवध्योऽहं आज्ञप्तो रक्षसा रौद्रकर्मणा।
मत्प्रभावमविज्ञाय रावणेन दुरात्मना॥ ५-५८-१४४
ततो विभीषणो नाम तस्य भ्राता महामतिः।
तेन राक्षसराजोऽसौ याचितो मम कारणात्॥ ५-५८-१४५
नैवं राक्षसशार्दूल त्यज्यतामेष निश्चयः।
राजशास्त्रव्यपेतो हि मार्गः संसेव्यते त्वया॥ ५-५८-१४६
दूता वध्या न दृष्टा हि राजशास्त्रेषु राक्षस।
दूतेन वेदितव्यं च यथार्थं हितवादिना॥ ५-५८-१४७
सुमहत्यपराधे अपि दूतस्य अतुलविक्रम।
विरूपकरणम् दृष्टम् न वधोऽस्तीह शास्त्रतः॥ ५-५८-१४८
विभीषणेनेवमुक्तो रावणः सम्दिदेश तान्।
राक्षसान् एतदेव अस्य लान्गूलं दह्यतामिति॥ ५-५८-१४९
ततस्तस्य वचः श्रुत्वा मम पुच्छं समन्ततः।
वेष्टितं शणवल्कैस्च पटैः कार्पासकैस्तथा॥ ५-५८-१५०
राक्षसाः सिद्धसम्नाहाः ततस्ते चण्डविक्रमाः।
तदादीप्यन्त मे पुच्छं हनन्तः काष्ठ मुष्टिभिः॥ ५-५८-१५१
बद्धस्य बहुभिः पाशैः यन्त्रितस्य च राक्षसैः।
ततस्ते राक्षसाः शूरा बद्धं मां अग्नि सम्वृतम्॥ ५-५८-१५२
अघोषयन् राजमार्गे नगरद्वारं आगताः।
ततोऽहं सुमहद्रूपं सम्क्षिप्य पुनरात्मनः॥ ५-५८-१५३
विमोचयित्वा तं बन्धं प्रकृतिस्थः स्थितः पुनः।
आयसं परिघं गृह्य तानि रक्षाम्स्यसूदयम्॥ ५-५८-१५४
ततस्तन्नगरद्वारं वेगेन आप्लुतवानहम्।
पुच्छेन च प्रदीप्तेन तां पुरीं साट्टगोपुराम्॥ ५-५८-१५५
दहाम्यहं असम्भ्रान्तो युगान्त अग्निरिव प्रजाः।
विनष्टा जानकी व्यक्तं नह्यदग्धः प्रदृश्यते॥ ५-५८-१५६
लङ्कायां कश्चिदुद्देशः सर्वा भस्मीकृता पुरी।
दहता च मया लङ्कां दग्धा सीता न सम्शयः॥ ५-५८-१५७
रामस्य हि महत्कार्यं मयेदं वितथीकृतम्।
इति शोकसमाविष्टश्चिन्तामहमुपागतः॥ ५-५८-१५८
अथाहं वाचमश्रौषम् चारणानाम् शुभाक्षराम्।
जानकी न च दग्धेति विस्मयोदन्त भाषिणाम्॥ ५-५८-१५९
ततो मे बुद्धिरुत्पन्ना श्रुत्वा तां अद्भुतां गिरम्।
अदग्धा जानकीत्येवं निमित्तैश्चोपलक्षिता॥ ५-५८-१६०
दीप्यमाने तु लाङ्गूले न मां दहति पावकः।
हृदयं च प्रहृष्टं मे वाताः सुरभिगन्धिनः ५-५८-१६१
तैर्निमित्तैश्च दृष्टार्थैः कारणैश्च महागुणैः।
ऋषिवाक्यैश्च सिद्धार्थैरभवं हृष्टमानसः॥ ५-५८-१६२
पुनर्दृष्टा च वैदेही विसृष्टस्च तया पुनः।
ततः पर्वतमासाद्य तत्ररिष्टमहं पुनः॥ ५-५८-१६३
प्रतिप्लवनमारेभे युष्मद्दर्शनकाङ्क्षया।
ततः पवनचन्द्रार्कसिद्धगन्धर्वसेवितम्॥ ५-५८-१६४
पन्थानमहमाक्रम्य भवतो इष्टवानिह
राघवस्य प्रभावेन भवतां चैव तेजसा॥ ५-५८-१६५
सुग्रीवस्य च कार्यार्थं मया सर्वं अनुष्ठितम्।
एतत् सर्वम् मया तत्र यथावत् उपपादितम्॥ ५-५८-१६६
अत्र यन् न कृतम् शेषम् नः  तत् सर्वं क्रियताम् इति।
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे आदिकाव्ये सुन्दरकाण्डे अष्टपम्चाशः सर्गः
sugrīvaśca mahātejāḥ sa tvāṁ kuśalamabravīt |
dharmārthakāmasahitaṁ hitaṁ pathyamuvāca ca || 5-58-134
vasato ṛṣyamūke me parvate vipuladrume |
rāghavo raṇavikrānto mitratvaṁ samupāgataḥ || 5-58-135
tena me kathitaṁ rājan bhāryā me rakṣasā hṛtā |
tatra sāhāyyahetoḥ me samayaṁ kartumarhasi || 5-58-136
mayā ca kathitaṁ tasmai vālinaśca vadhaṁ prati |
tatra sāhayyahetorme samayaṁ kartumarhasi || 5-58-137
vālinā hṛtarājyena sugrīveṇa saha prabhuḥ |
cakre agnisākṣikam sakhyaṁ rāghavaḥ sahalakṣmaṇaḥ || 5-58-138
tena vālinaṁ utsādya śareṇekena samyuge |
vānarāṇāṁ mahārājaḥ kṛtaḥ samplavatāṁ prabhuḥ || 5-58-139
tasya sāhāyyaṁ asmābhiḥ kāryaṁ sarvātmanā tviha |
tena prasthāpitaḥ tubhyaṁ samīpamiha dharmataḥ || 5-58-140
kṣipraṁ ānīyatāṁ sītā dīyatāṁ rāghavasya ca |
yāvanna harayo vīrā vidhamanti balaṁ tava || 5-58-141
vānarāṇāṁ prabhavo hi na kena viditaḥ purā |
devatānāṁ sakāśaṁ ca ye gacchanti nimantritāḥ || 5-58-142
iti vānararājastvāṁ āhetyabhihito mayā |
māṁ aikṣata tato ruṣṭaḥ cakṣuṣā pradahanniva || 5-58-143
tenavadhyo'haṁ ājñapto rakṣasā raudrakarmaṇā |
matprabhāvamavijñāya rāvaṇena durātmanā || 5-58-144
tato vibhīṣaṇo nāma tasya bhrātā mahāmatiḥ |
tena rākṣasarājo'sau yācito mama kāraṇāt || 5-58-145
naivaṁ rākṣasaśārdūla tyajyatāmeṣa niścayaḥ |
rājaśāstravyapeto hi mārgaḥ saṁsevyate tvayā || 5-58-146
dūtā vadhyā na dṛṣṭā hi rājaśāstreṣu rākṣasa |
dūtena veditavyaṁ ca yathāarthaṁ hitavādinā || 5-58-147
sumahatyaparādhe api dūtasya atulavikrama |
virūpakaraṇam dṛṣṭam na vadho'stīha śāstrataḥ || 5-58-148
vibhīṣaṇenevamukto rāvaṇaḥ samdideśa tān |
rākṣasān etadeva asya lāngūlaṁ dahyatāmiti || 5-58-149
tatastasya vacaḥ śrutvā mama pucchaṁ samantataḥ |
veṣṭitaṁ śaṇavalkaisca paṭaiḥ kārpāsakaistathā || 5-58-150
rākṣasāḥ siddhasamnāhāḥ tataste caṇḍavikramāḥ |
tadādīpyanta me pucchaṁ hanantaḥ kāṣṭha muṣṭibhiḥ || 5-58-151
baddhasya bahubhiḥ pāśaiḥ yantritasya ca rākṣasaiḥ |
tataste rākṣasāḥ śūrā baddhaṁ māṁ agni samvṛtam || 5-58-152
aghoṣayan rājamārge nagaradvāraṁ āgatāḥ |
tato'haṁ sumahadrūpaṁ samkṣipya punarātmanaḥ || 5-58-153
vimocayitvā taṁ bandhaṁ prakṛtisthaḥ sthitaḥ punaḥ |
āyasaṁ parighaṁ gṛhya tāni rakṣāmsyasūdayam || 5-58-154
tatastannagaradvāraṁ vegena āplutavānaham |
pucchena ca pradīptena tāṁ purīṁ sāṭṭagopurām || 5-58-155
dahāmyahaṁ asambhrānto yugānta agniriva prajāḥ |
vinaṣṭā jānakī vyaktaṁ nahyadagdhaḥ pradṛśyate || 5-58-156
laṅkāyāṁ kaściduddeśaḥ sarvā bhasmīkṛtā purī |
dahatā ca mayā laṅkāṁ daghdā sītā na samśayaḥ || 5-58-157
rāmasya hi mahatkāryaṁ mayedaṁ vitathīkṛtam |
iti śokasamāviṣṭaścintāmahamupāgataḥ || 5-58-158
athāhaṁ vācamaśrauṣam cāraṇānām śubhākṣarām |
jānakī na ca dagdheti vismayodanta bhāṣiṇām || 5-58-159
tato me buddhirutpannā śrutvā tāṁ adbhutāṁ giram |
adagdhā jānakītyevaṁ nimittaiścopalakṣitā || 5-58-160
dīpyamāne tu lāṅgūle na māṁ dahati pāvakaḥ |
hṛdayaṁ ca prahṛṣṭaṁ me vātāḥ surabhigandhinaḥ 5-58-161
tairnimittaiśca dṛṣṭārthaiḥ kāraṇaiśca mahāguṇaiḥ |
ṛṣivākyaiśca siddhārthairabhavaṁ hṛṣṭamānasaḥ || 5-58-162
punardṛṣṭā ca vaidehī visṛṣṭasca tayā punaḥ |
tataḥ parvatamāsādya tatrariṣṭamahaṁ punaḥ || 5-58-163
pratiplavanamārebhe yuṣmaddarśanakāṅkṣayā |
tataḥ pavanacandrārkasiddhagandharvasevitam || 5-58-164
panthānamahamākramya bhavato iṣṭavāniha
rāghavasya prabhāvena bhavatāṁ caiva tejasā || 5-58-165
sugrīvasya ca kāryārthaṁ mayā sarvaṁ anuṣṭhitam |
etat sarvam mayā tatra yathāvat upapāditam || 5-58-166
atra yan na kṛtam śeṣam naḥ  tat sarvaṁ kriyatām iti |
ityārṣe śrīmadrāmāyaṇe ādikāvye sundarakāṇḍe aṣṭapamcāśaḥ sargaḥ

Sugriva of great eminence, has sent his good wishes to you, I informed him. He has also wished that you may tread the righteous  path with right balance of Dharma, Artha and Kama. While Sugriva was living in hiding in the Rishyamooka mountains with a large number of trees, he had the benefit of gaining the friendship of Rama who is the most valorous in wars.  Rama told me, oh King, that his wife Sita was abducted by a raakshasa and 
Rama had asked the  help  of Sugriva in searching for that Sita.  I have also informed Ravana of the manner in which Vali was killed. I told Ravana that  Sugriva and Rama concluded an alliance of friendhip in the presence of the holy fire. Lakshmana also joined them.  Vali was drawn into a fight and was killed by Rama with a single arrow.  Hence the King of the monkeys is bound by friendship to help Rama is finding out the abducted Seetha.  Therefore, I told Ravana,   I had reached his presence in search of Sita.
I told Ravana that Sugriva had asked Ravana  to release Seetha to Rama without any delay. I have also conveyed to Ravana that Sugriva reminded him  about the purpose of birth of Vanaras and also reminded him of the fact that monkeys are a  much respected clan and often visit the devas after receiving invitation from the dwellers of heaven.  Hence Ravana was cautioned not to take the King of Monkeys and his forces too lightly.  Hearing this Ravana was beyond himself with anger and cast his buring eyes on me, as if he is intent on burnig me with those eyes.. Then Ravana the terrible demon ordered that I should be executed.  This that evil soul did without evaluating my valour and capacity.  But Vibhishana, his brother and a person of great wisdom intervened and pleaded for  more mercy in my case.  He told the Kind “ Oh King, you are also a well-versed  adherent to  the rules of Politics and it is nowhere seen in those rules that an emissary from a foreign land can be killed. Therefore may you be pleased to abandon the idea of killing him. This emissary should be send back to report the real state of affairs to the adversary king so that he will be dissuaded from making any precipitate action against us.  Even if the emissary has committed grave errors, oh King of infinite valour, he should not be killed. In  shastras, they prescribe the punishment of making him ugly and matter of public laughter".  Thus requested by Vibhishana, Ravana directed that my tail should be set on fire.  Hearing this the ever-eagaer demons tied my tail with dried ropes and waste clothes and applied oil  and set fire on my tail. I was dragged around the royal highway, my tail  set with fire and after I was bound all around by lots of ropes, with demons making derisive shouts all around me.  Then  I restored my huge form and simply tore off all the ropes.  Catching a huge iron pestle in my hand I managed to kill all the demons around me. Then when I reached the entrance of the city I jumped up  and set fire on the top of all the mansions and pavilions  and they caught fire very easily. The whole of Lanka was gutted.  To my surprise the burning tail did not give me any pain or anxiety.  At this stage I became anxious that since the whole of Lanka was gutted, it was possible that Devi Sita is also consumed by fire. I was for a moment overcome by grief that I had ruined the purpose of my mission and the cause of Rama by taking this hasty action. Then I happened to hear the conversation of Charanas who were talking to one another about the happy tidings that even though Lanka is burned, Seetha is safe and unaffected.  The good omens all around also reinforced these words. While my tail was burring,  I did not feel any pain and I was enjoying the aroma of the natural wind.  Finally I dipped my tail in the ocean and doused the fire. I was relieved of my anxiety by the words of the sages and once again I went to the place where Sita was confined and met her and took her leave to depart.  Then I proceeded to the peak of ArisTa mountain and from there started my journey back by jumping, in the fond hope of meeting with you all. I traversed the path frequented by the wind, the moon, the sun, the siddas and gandharvas and have come back to you because of the greatness of Rama and because of your good wishes for me  This onerous mission was accomplished by me for the sake of Sugriva my king. Now I have reported to you all that had happened after I took leave of you in my long journey in search of Sita. Now whatever is not accomplished by me in  this mission should be followed up by us.”
Thus ends the narrative of Hanuman in the 54 th  Sarga of Ramyanam the Aadhikaavyam of Vaalmiki

Note:  While translating the slokas, I have not attempted a word by word translation in the academic way.  My purpose was to reproduce the original text and  a reasonably readable translation of the whole chapter in English prose.  The incidents covered by the whole Sundarakandam is covered in this chapter.  
After this the monkeys proceed from  the southern tip of India to Kiskinda and Hanuman reports to Sri Rama about the discovery of Sita.   Ramayanam continues from there to Yudhdhakandam and Uttarakandam.  Rama fights a fierce war with Ravana, kills him and regains Sita.  He is anointed as the King of Ayodhya… and may His Grace bless us  all.

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