Monday, August 13, 2012

Sree Tulasi Stotram

॥श्री तुळसी स्तोत्रं॥
नमस्तुळसि कल्याणि नमो विष्णुप्रिये शुभे
नमो मोक्षप्रदे देवि नमः संपद्प्रदायिके॥१॥
तुळसी पातुमां नित्यं सर्वापद्भ्योऽपि सर्वदा
कीर्तिताऽपि स्मृता वाऽपि पवित्रयति मानवं॥२॥
नमामि शिरसा देवीं तुळसीं विलसत् तनुं
यां दृष्ट्वा पापिनो मर्त्याः मुच्यन्ते सर्वकिल्बिषात्॥३॥
तुळस्या रक्षितं सर्वं जगदेतत् चराचरं
या विनिर्हन्ति पापानि दृष्ट्वा वा पापिभिर्न्नरैः॥४॥
यन्मूले सर्वतीर्थानि यन्मध्ये सर्वदेवताः
यदग्रे सर्ववेदाश्च तुळसीं तां नमाम्यहं॥५॥
तुलस्या नापरं किञ्चित् दैवतं जगतीतले
यया पवित्रितो लोकः विष्णुसङ्गेन वैष्णवः॥६॥
तुळस्या पल्लवं विष्णोः शिरस्यारोपितं कलौ
आरोपयति सर्वाणि श्रेयांसि वरमस्तके॥७॥
नमस्तुळसि सर्वज्ञे पुरुषोत्तम वल्लभे
पाहि मां सर्वपापेभ्यः सर्वसंपद् प्रदायिके॥८॥
||śrī tuḻasī stotraṁ||
namastuḻasi kalyāṇi namo viṣṇupriye śubhe
namo mokṣaprade devi namaḥ saṁpadpradāyike||1||
tuḻasī pātumāṁ nityaṁ sarvāpadbhyo'pi sarvadā
kīrtitā'pi smṛtā vā'pi pavitrayati mānavaṁ||2||
namāmi śirasā devīṁ tuḻasīṁ vilasat tanuṁ
yāṁ dṛṣṭvā pāpino martyāḥ mucyante sarvakilbiṣāt||3||
tuḻasyā rakṣitaṁ sarvaṁ jagadetat carācaraṁ
yā vinirhanti pāpāni dṛṣṭvā vā pāpibhirnnaraiḥ||4||
yanmūle sarvatīrthāni yanmadhye sarvadevatāḥ
yadagre sarvavedāśca tuḻasīṁ tāṁ namāmyahaṁ||5||
tulasyā nāparaṁ kiñcit daivataṁ jagatītale
yayā pavitrito lokaḥ viṣṇusaṅgena vaiṣṇavaḥ||6||
tuḻasyā pallavaṁ viṣṇoḥ śirasyāropitaṁ kalau
āropayati sarvāṇi śreyāṁsi varamastake||7||
namastuḻasi sarvajñe puruṣottama vallabhe
pāhi māṁ sarvapāpebhyaḥ sarvasaṁpad pradāyike||8||

I offer my pranams to Thulasi who is dear to Vishnu and who will bless us with auspicous bounties. She will grant us emancipation from worldly woes, and she is the source for all our wealth,
Mother Thulasi, may Your Divine Grace be pleased to protect me from all dangers confronting me daily and for long stints. 
Your Divine Grace when praised or meditated upon is capable of purifying us the human beings.
I offer obeisance to Thulasi with bowed head. She is of bright stems and sprouts. Seeing Her the worst sinners among men are released for ever from their sins.
The entire universe with all moving and non-moving objects is protected by Mata Thulasi. Once her benevolent eyes fall on the sinners of the world, their sins are reduced to nought forthwith.
My pranams to the Holy mother Thulsi, at whose roots all sources of holy waters resides, at whose stems all Gods reside and at whose leafy tips all the Vedas are present.
The whole world is purified by her and is made the embodiment of Lord Vishnu because of her pure attachment to the lord. and therefore there is no divinity to vie with the Grace of Tulasi in the whole universe.
In Kaliyuga, when a leaf of Tulasi is offered at the head of Vishnu with devotion, the bhakta who had done that service is bestowed with all the wealth and welfare that can be desired in this world.
My pranams to you Mother Thulasi who is the source of all knowledge. You are the consort of Vishnu the best among purushas. May your Divine Grace be pleased to protect me from all sins and to bestow on me all the blessings and material bounties by your sweet will.

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