Wednesday, August 16, 2017



om bhur bhuvaH suvaH tat savitur vareniyam bhargo devasy dheemahi dheeyo yo naH prachodayaat.
ॐ भूर्भुवस्सुवः तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि धियोयोनः प्रचोदयात्
Meditate upon    Om 
Meditate on the universe... Bhu BhuvaH SuvaH

Tat devasya savituH varenyam bhargaH dhee mahi yo sah naH dheeyaH prachodayaat

We meditate upon, try to understand the all encompassing potency of that Sun..
 that Universal being of infinite energy, infinite capacity.. 

May that being, that energy, that prayer, kindle, enourage, maintain and protect our intellect..

This is the sum and substance of that simple prayer Gayatri..
omkaram... Om.. it is representing the whole universe.. or it is representing nothing.

bhuH, bhuvA, SuvaAH   whole of the three worlds.. covering all that is conceivable.. or be thought of

Savita.. the Sun.. or the universal being.. the prime source of power, permanence, eternity and existence.. 
no doubt his power is the greatest.. without any comparison.. varenyam bhargaH

devasya.. deva,, the supreme being
dheemahi.. contemplate, think upon, with all concentration and understandig, realize the importance of that power, realize the supremacy and irreplaceable nature of that power, realize that nothing I know can exist without that power

naH pracodayaat.. may brighten, kindle,encourage, illuminate our .. many maintain that illumination or the power already given.. may never allow that enlightened power of intellect to deteriorate, reduce in strength.. 

The man wakes up.. He realizes his smallness.. his helplessness his insignificance at the face of the huge universe around him..

He sees the burning sun.. the eternal source of heat and energy which can never be doused..

He finds that all growth and life depend directly or indirectly on that burning orb.. 
He understands its efficacy and power.. 
He realizes that his existence entirely depends on that buring ball of energy that he could see and feel..

Naturally, if he is to derive motivation for his existence and improvement and growth, he can look upon that buring orb alone.

He seeks the inspiration from that Sun, its efficiency, its capacity to sustain..
He too seeks inspiration from the vastness of the universe with its planets, stars, skies, meteors, and its vast emptiness too.. 

His prayer is so natural.. may those imposing things, the universe and the Sun, inspire and sustain his own intellect.. If there is any trigger or supply of power for his own intellect, where else can he seek except in this Sun and the universe.

So the Sun and the Universe are his natural sources of inspiration, his gods..

And his prayer to Sun is so natural..

No temples, no idols,
no icons , 
no religions 
and no scriptures are really necessary for that.. 
The discovery is so spontaneous.

If we look at Gayatri.. from this backgroud, 
we can understand that 
the hymn of Gayatri was the most natural, most intuitive and the most noble and sublime concept and prayer that human mind has discovered..

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