Tuesday, August 15, 2017

My India..

It is celebration of India, by India, and for India..

To feel happy and to feel proud for India is my right..

My identity as the son of this Bharatham is the most valuable possession for me..

Without that identity, nothing else would ever matter..

Without any reservations I can love India 
Without any hesitation, I can live for Indi and 
if there is a reson for that, I can offer everything for India including my life.
India is a dream for me,
India is the greatest reality for me.

This India belongs to me just as it is for you all..

Independence is a state of mind..

Yes, many martyrs and elders loved my India so much that they fought for her Identity .. a fight for centuries.. 
And they won too,, 
My respectful oblations for all those great souls ..

Greetings to myself and all my fellow Indians as we celebrate..

We can forget everything else and celebrate..

May my India live for ever.
May my india prosper for ever.

Vande Matharam..
Bharat Mataa Ki jai..
Jai Hind

God bless my India..

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