Wednesday, October 17, 2018


ध्यायेन्नित्यं महेशं रजतगिरिनिभं चारुचन्द्रावतंसं
रत्नाकल्पोज्ज्वलाङ्गं परशुमृगवराभितिहस्तं प्रसन्नम्।
पद्मासीनं समन्तात्स्तुतममरगणैर्व्याघ्रकृत्तिं वसानं
विश्वाद्यं विश्वबीजं निखिलभयहरं पञ्चवक्त्रं त्रिनेत्रम्॥
पशुपतीन्दुपतिं धरणिपतिं भुजगलोकपतिं च सतीपतिम्।
गणत भक्तजनार्तिहरं परं भजत रे मनुज गिरिजापतिम्॥१
न जनको जननी न च सोदरो न तनयो न च भूरिबलं कुलम्।
अवति कोऽपि न कालवशं गतं भजत रे मनुज गिरिजापतिम्॥२
मुरजडिण्डिवाद्यविलक्षणं मधुरपञ्चमनादविशारदम्।
प्रथमभूतगणैरपि सेवितं भजत रे मनुज गिरिजापतिम्॥३
शरणदं सुखदं शरणान्वितं शिव शिवेति शिवेति नत नृणाम्।
अभयदं करुणावरुणालयं भजत रे मनुज गिरिजापतिम्॥४
नरशिरोरचितं मणिकुण्डलं भुजगहारमुदं वृषभध्वजम्।
चिति रजोधवलीकृत विग्रहं भजत रे मनुज गिरिजापतिम्॥ ५
मखविनाशकरं शशिशेखरं सततमध्वरभाजिफलप्रदम्।
प्रलयदग्धसुरासुरमानवं भजत रे मनुज गिरिजापतिम्॥६
मदमपास्य चिरं हृदि संस्थितं मरण जन्म जरा भय पीडितम्।
जगदुदीक्ष्य समीपभयाकुलं भजत रे मनुज गिरिजापतिम्॥७
हरिविरिञ्चसुराधिप पूजितं यमजनेशधनेशनमस्कृतम्।
त्रिनयनं भुवनत्रितयाधिपं भजत रे मनुज गिरिजापतिम्॥८
पशुपतेरिदमष्टकमद्भुतं विरचितं पृथिवीपति सूरिणा।
पठति संशृणुते मनुजः सदा शिवपुरिं वसते लभते मुदम्॥ ९

dhyāyennityaṁ maheśaṁ rajatagirinibhaṁ cārucandrāvataṁsaṁ
ratnākalpojjvalāṅgaṁ paraśumṛgavarābhitihastaṁ prasannam|
padmāsīnaṁ samantātstutamamaragaṇairvyāghrakṛttiṁ vasānaṁ
viśvādyaṁ viśvabījaṁ nikhilabhayaharaṁ pañcavaktraṁ trinetram||
paśupatīndupatiṁ dharaṇipatiṁ bhujagalokapatiṁ ca satīpatim|
gaṇata bhaktajanārtiharaṁ paraṁ bhajata re manuja girijāpatim||1
na janako jananī na ca sodaro na tanayo na ca bhūribalaṁ kulam|
avati ko'pi na kālavaśaṁ gataṁ bhajata re manuja girijāpatim||2
murajaḍiṇḍivādyavilakṣaṇaṁ madhurapañcamanādaviśāradam|
prathamabhūtagaṇairapi sevitaṁ bhajata re manuja girijāpatim||3
śaraṇadaṁ sukhadaṁ śaraṇānvitaṁ śiva śiveti śiveti nata nṛṇām|
abhayadaṁ karuṇāvaruṇālayaṁ bhajata re manuja girijāpatim||4
naraśiroracitaṁ maṇikuṇḍalaṁ bhujagahāramudaṁ vṛṣabhadhvajam|
citi rajodhavalīkṛta vigrahaṁ bhajata re manuja girijāpatim|| 5
makhavināśakaraṁ śaśiśekharaṁ satatamadhvarabhājiphalapradam|
pralayadagdhasurāsuramānavaṁ bhajata re manuja girijāpatim||6
madamapāsya ciraṁ hṛdi saṁsthitaṁ maraṇa janma jarā bhaya pīḍitam|
jagadudīkṣya samīpabhayākulaṁ bhajata re manuja girijāpatim||7
hariviriñcasurādhipa pūjitaṁ yamajaneśadhaneśanamaskṛtam|
trinayanaṁ bhuvanatritayādhipaṁ bhajata re manuja girijāpatim||8
paśupateridamaṣṭakamadbhutaṁ viracitaṁ pṛthivīpati sūriṇā|
paṭhati saṁśṛṇute manujaḥ sadā śivapuriṁ vasate labhate mudam|| 9


The celebrated pashupatyashtam.. with Devanagari Text and Transliteration is given above.. 
I am making an attmept at translation.
Lord Shiva is called Pashupati.. because he is the master and supreme contoller of all living beings.. the Pashus.. (though Pashu generally would mean animals without sixth sense)


That Lord of Lords, Mahesha sould be meditated upon every day
He is having the form resembling a dazzling silver mountain
He is wearing the beautiful crescent moon as an ornament
He is adorned with various decorations of gems all over his body
He is having an axe, a deer in his hands and he shows the varada mudra, and abaya mudra with another pair of hands
He is very calm and pleased
He is seated on a lotus ( or in padmasana)
The groups of gods present around him in all directions are singing His praise
He is wearing the raw skin of a tiger
He is the foremost among all in the Universe
He provides the seed for the creation of the universe 
He is the remover of all fears
He is having five faces ( Aghoram, Sadyojatham, Easanam, Tatpurusham Vamadevam)
He is having three eyes.. The Sun and Moon for the two natural eyes and the fire or agni as his third eye.

The prayer

1 Oh man, do worship the Master of the Daughter of Mountain, the Lord of all living creatures, the lord of the moon, the lord of the earth, the master of the world of Serpant, and the Consort of Devi Sati.. Know that He is the remover of all sorrows of His devotees.

2 Oh man, do worship the master of the Daughter of Mountains.. for when you are thrown hither and thither and tormented by the vagaries of time and fate, your father, your mother, your sister, your son or even your clan with a lot of power and population, can really support you.. Only the Lord is there to offer help at that time.
3. Oh man, do worship the Master of the Daughter of Mountain, the Lord who is accomplised in playing pecussion instruments like Mridanga and Damaru, the Lord who is a connoissuer who sings with the Panchama note in prominence (the musical note Pa.. the fifth of the seven.. Shaja, Rishabha, Gandhara, Madhyama, Panchama, Daivata, and Nishada.. Sa,Ri Ga Ma Pa Da ni..), the Lord who is ever served by the most prominent BhootaGanas (clans of demigods)
4. Oh man, do worship the Master of the Daughter of Mountain, the Lord who can give us protection, the Lord who can bless us with comfort and peace, the Lord who always ensures protection to the devotees who worship him chanting Shiva, Shiva,Shiva, the Lord who is the ocean or reservoir of mercy..

5. Oh man, do worship the Master of the Daughter of Mountain, the lord who wears an ear ornament shaped from the skull of a man, the lord who decorates himself happily with garlands of snakes, the Lord who is having Vrishaba,, the bull as the insignia in his flagstaff, the Lord who has smeared himself white with the ashes from the funeral pyre..

6. Oh man, do worship the Master of the Daughter of Mountain, the Lord who interrupted and stopped the Yajna conducted by Daksha, 
The Lord who has kept the fresh lunar crescent on his matted locks,
the Lord who provides all benefits to people who are engaged in performing fire rites and yagas, the Lord who burns in his capacity as Kaalaagni rudra, all gods, asuras, men and other things when the deluge arrives portending the end of a particular eon arrives. 
7 Oh man, do worship the Master of the Daughter of Mountain, after abandoning the arrogance that has been accumulating in your mind and heart for a very long time and also coming to terms with the fact that the life we face is full of problems like death, pangs of birth, and old age and that the world has only threats and difficulties in store for us, and only the Lords mercy can just carry you through.

8. Oh man, do worship the Master of the Daughter of Mountain, the Lord who is waited upon by Hari the Vishnu, Virincha the Brahmadeva, the king of Gods Indra, the god of death Yama, the god of affluence Kuera and all the leaders and kings of men, the Lord who has three eyes, the Lord who is the overlord of all the three worlds..

9.Whoever recites or listens with devotion this wonderful prayer of eight stanzas addressed to Lord Pashupathi.. the Shiva and written by the poet Prithiveepathi, would attain peace and happiness and would attain the world of Shiva, when his worldly life is over..

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