Thursday, October 18, 2018



(This is the famous Garbarakshinistotram.. 
It is believed that chanting of this would provide protection to a pregnant woman and the child growing inside her
I found that this stotram is chanted by many ladies across TamilNadu and Andhra.. and other places too.
But the stotram seems to have been taught orally or from veracular texts from generation to generation
So the Devanagari transcription wherever available was rather defective.. in spelling, grammar, and ideas too
I spent some time in studying the texts available with me and tried to correlate the ideas with many Vedic texts, and what I could find as the most reliable version.. is reproduced below.. 
Of course, the stotram has been tampered by use of other scripts and by handling by devotees who knew the spirit but did not know the meaning.. and even after my corrections there could be many parts that would require greater fine tuning.. But what I give is the most presentable according to me
I recommend this stotram for chanting by all expectant mothers. 
The stotram is a wide spectrum prayer to almost all deities..)

एह्येहि भगवन् ब्रह्मन् प्रजाकर्ता प्रजापते।
प्रगृह्णीष्व बलिं चैमां सापत्यम् रक्ष गर्भिणीम्। १
अश्विनौ देवदेवेशौ प्रगृह्णीतां बलिं त्विमाम्।
सापत्यं गर्भिणीं चैमां रक्षतां पूजयानया।२
रुद्राश्च एकादशाः प्रोक्ताः प्रगृह्णीध्वं बलिं त्विमाम्।
युष्माकं प्रीतये वृत्तां नित्यं रक्षन्तु गर्भिणीम्। ३
आदित्याः द्वादशाः प्रोक्ताः प्रगृह्णीध्वं बलिं त्विमां।
युष्माकं तेजसां वृद्ध्या नित्यं रक्षन्तु गर्भिणीम्॥४
विनायक गणाध्यक्ष शिवपुत्र महाबल।
प्रगृह्णीष्व बलिं चैमां सापत्यं रक्ष गर्भिणीम्॥५
स्कन्द षण्मुख देवेश पुत्रप्रीतिविवर्धन ।
प्रगृह्णीष्व बलिं चैमाम् सापत्यम् रक्ष गर्भिणिम्।६
प्रभासः प्रभवस्सोमः प्रत्यूषो मारुतोऽनलः॥
ध्रुवोधुर दिवश्चैव वसवोष्टौ प्रकीर्तिताः
परिगृह्य बलिं चैमाम् नित्यं रक्षस्व गर्भिणीम्॥७
पितृदेवि पितृश्रेष्ठे बहुपुत्रि महाबले।
बुध श्रेष्ठे निशावासे निवृते शौनकप्रिये।
प्रगृह्णीध्वं बलिम् चैमां सापत्यं रक्ष गर्भिणीम्॥८

रक्ष रक्ष महादेव भक्तानुग्रहकारक।
पक्षिवाहन गोविन्द सापत्यं रक्ष गर्भिणीम्॥९

ehyehi bhagavan brahman prajākartā prajāpate|
pragṛhṇīṣva baliṁ caimāṁ sāpatyam rakṣa garbhiṇīm| 1
aśvinau devadeveśau pragṛhṇītāṁ baliṁ tvimām|
sāpatyaṁ garbhiṇīṁ caimāṁ rakṣatāṁ pūjayānayā|2
rudrāśca ekādaśāḥ proktāḥ pragṛhṇīdhvaṁ baliṁ tvimām|
yuṣmākaṁ prītaye vṛttāṁ nityaṁ rakṣantu garbhiṇīm| 3
ādityāḥ dvādaśāḥ proktāḥ pragṛhṇīdhvaṁ baliṁ tvimāṁ|
yuṣmākaṁ tejasāṁ vṛddhyā nityaṁ rakṣantu garbhiṇīm||4
vināyaka gaṇādhyakṣa śivaputra mahābala|
pragṛhṇīṣva baliṁ caimāṁ sāpatyaṁ rakṣa garbhiṇīm||5
skanda ṣaṇmukha deveśa putraprītivivardhana|
pragṛhṇīṣva baliṁ caimām sāpatyam rakṣa garbhiṇim|6
prabhāsaḥ prabhavassomaḥ pratyūṣo māruto'nalaḥ||
dhruvodhura divaścaiva vasavoṣṭau prakīrtitāḥ|
parigṛhya baliṁ caimām nityaṁ rakṣasva garbhiṇīm||7
pitṛdevi pitṛśreṣṭhe bahuputri mahābale|
budha śreṣṭhe niśāvāse nivṛtee śaunakapriye|
pragṛhṇīdhvaṁ balim caimāṁ sāpatyaṁ rakṣa garbhiṇīm||8
rakṣa rakṣa mahādeva bhaktānugrahakāraka|
pakṣivāhana govinda sāpatyaṁ rakṣa garbhiṇīm||9
Meanings of each stanza..
एह्येहि भगवन् ब्रह्मन् प्रजाकर्ता प्रजापते।
प्रगृह्णीष्व बलिं चैमां सापत्यम् रक्ष गर्भिणीम्। १
प्रजाकर्ता प्रजापते भगवन् ब्रह्मन् एहि एहि बलिं प्रगृह्णीष्व इमां गर्भिणीं सापत्यं रक्ष च
Oh Lord Brahman endowed of all splendour, you are the creator of offspring and the protector of the offspring.. Please visit us here.. Please partake in the respectful offerings we present for you.. 
And may you be pleased to protect this pregnant woman with her child.
अश्विनौ देवदेवेशौ प्रगृह्णीतां बलिं त्विमाम्।
सापत्यं गर्भिणीं चैमां रक्षेतां पूजयानया।२
देवदेवेशौ अश्विनौ तु इमां बलिं प्रगृह्णीतां अनया पूजया (तृप्तौ ) तौ इमां गर्भिणीं सापत्यं रक्षेतां च

The twins Ashvins, the gods of Medicine and healing, who are the overlords of even Gods, may be pleased to accept this offering we make unto them with great devotion.. Being satisfied with such offerings, may the twins protect this pregnant woman with her child. 
रुद्राश्च एकादशाः प्रोक्ताः प्रगृह्णीध्वं बलिं त्विमाम्।
युष्माकं प्रीतये वृत्तां नित्यं रक्षन्तु गर्भिणीम्। ३
एकादशः प्रोक्ताः रुद्राः यूयं इमां बलिं तु प्रगृह्णीध्वं युष्माकं प्रीतये नित्यं वृत्तां इमां गर्भिणीं रक्षन्तु.
You Rudras, who are famed to manifest in elevan forms may you be pleased to accept the offerings we make before you in great devotion
And may you be pleased to protect this pregnant woman who is undergoing vratas in your honour on a day to day basi..
आदित्याः द्वादशाः प्रोक्ताः प्रगृह्णीध्वं बलिं त्विमां।
युष्माकं तेजसां वृद्ध्या नित्यं रक्षन्तु गर्भिणीम्॥४
द्वादशा प्रोक्ताः आदित्याः यूयं इमाम् बलिं तु प्रगृह्णीध्वं
अपि च युष्माकं तेजसाम् वृद्ध्या इमां गर्भिणीं नित्यं रक्षन्तु 
You the Adityas who are famed to be twelve in number and together constitute the Suryamandalam, may you be pleased to accept the offering we make before you with great devotion.
And further may you be pleased to protect this pregnant woman every day with your increasing splendour and ever potent powers. 
विनायक गणाध्यक्ष शिवपुत्र महाबल।
प्रगृह्णीष्व बलिं चैमां सापत्यं रक्ष गर्भिणीम्॥५
गणाध्यक्ष महाबल शिवपुत्र भगवन् विनायक बलिं प्रगृह्णीष्व इमां गर्भिणीं सापत्यं रक्ष च
You Lord Ganesha the Vinayaka, you are the leader of the retinue of gods and demigods in heaven, you are of immense power, you are the beloved son of Lord shiva, may you be pleased to receive the offerings made before you with great devotion and to protect the pregnant woman along with the child.
स्कन्द षण्मुख देवेश पुत्रप्रीतिविवर्धन ।
प्रगृह्णीष्व बलिं चैमाम् सापत्यम् रक्ष गर्भिणिम्।६
देवेश षण्मुख पुत्रप्रीतिविवर्धन स्कन्द बलिं प्रगृह्णीष्व इमां गर्भिणीं सापत्यं रक्ष चा 
Lord Skanda, the one with six faces, the one who is the lord of all gods, who is the bestower of the pleasure and good demeanour of sons towards their parents, may you be pleased to receive the offerings made befor you with great devotion and to protect the pregnant womam along with the child.
प्रभासः प्रभवस्सोमः प्रत्यूषो मारुतोऽनलः॥
ध्रुवोधुर दिवश्चैव वसवोष्टौ प्रकीर्तिताः
परिगृह्य बलिं चैमाम् नित्यं रक्षस्व गर्भिणीम्॥७
प्रभासः प्रभवः सोमः प्रत्यूषः मारुतः अनलः ध्रुवः धुरः दिवः च एव अष्टौ वसवः प्रकीर्तिताः. यूयं इमां बलिं परिगृह्य (रमस्व) इमां गर्भिणीं रक्षस्व च
The eight vasus are famous by their names Prabhaasa, Prabhava, Soma, Pratyoosha, Maaruta, Analy, Dhruva, Dhura and Diva.
May you ( the eight vasus) be pleased to accept the offerings made before you with great respect and to protect this pregnat woman every day... 
पितृदेवि पितृश्रेष्ठे बहुपुत्रि महाबले।
बुध श्रेष्ठे निशावासे निवृते शौनकप्रिये।
प्रगृह्णीध्वं बलिम् चैमां सापत्यं रक्ष गर्भिणीम्॥८

पितृश्रेष्ठे बहुपुत्रि महाबले बुध श्रेष्ठे निशावासे निवृते शौनकप्रिये पितृदेवि
त्वं बलिं प्रगृह्णीध्वं इमां गर्भिणीं सापत्यं रक्ष च 
The goddess of Pitrus ( Swadhaa..) you are the best and foremost of all pitrus.. You are having many daughters ( meaning that all the females in the world are her daughters) You are very powerful.. You are the best among the wise. You are the one who resides (awake ) in nights to protect all, You are the blemishless one,, You have been praised with affection by the great sage and teacher Saunaka..
May you be pleased to accept the offerings made before you with great devotion and to protect this pregnant woman with her child..
रक्ष रक्ष महादेव भक्तानुग्रहकारक।
पक्षिवाहन गोविन्द सापत्यं रक्ष गर्भिणीम्॥९
भक्तानुग्रहकारक महादेव त्वं इमां गर्भिणीं सापत्यं रक्ष रक्ष 
पक्षिवाहन गोविन्द त्वं इमां गर्भिणीं सापत्यं रक्ष
Oh Lord mahadeva Shankara, you are the one who is capable of giving all blessings to your devotees.. Please protect, protect again, this pregnant lady along with the child.
Oh Lord Govinda, Narayana, the one who is having the bird Garuda as your mount, please protect this pregnant lady along with the child.

The authorship of this is attributed to Shaunaka..

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