Friday, December 21, 2018

kill the killer.. anger

न द्विषन्तः क्षयं यान्ति यावज्जीवमपि घ्नतः।
क्रोधमेकं तु यो हन्यात् तेन सर्वे द्विषो हतः॥
na dviṣantaḥ kṣayaṁ yānti yāvajjīvamapi ghnataḥ|
krodhamekaṁ tu you hanyāt tena sarve dviṣo hataḥ||

a genuine advice
Even if one person is engaged in defeating all his enemies all through his lifetime still more enemies will crop up..
There will be no end for external enemies and enmity from them
But if one can defeat and have control over his own anger, all his enemies, past, present or future are already defeated..

The biggest enemy for oneself is the person himself.. And a fellow causes all damage to himself when he is in the control of anger.. So if he can control his anger, he would be very safe.
Most enmities are the result of our reactions especially the unbalanced responses that happen when we are under the control of base emotions and instincts.. And anger is the worst among such emotions..

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