Thursday, December 27, 2018

no escape..

बिलाद् बहिर्बिलस्यान्तः स्थितमार्जारसर्पयोः।
मध्ये चाखुरिवाभाति पत्नीद्वययुतो नरः॥
bilād bahirbilasyāntaḥ sthitamārjārasarpayoḥ|
madhye cākhurivābhāti patnīdvayayuto naraḥ||

A fellow with two wives shines forth like 
a rat
whose hole is occupied by a poisonous snake
for whom a cat is awaiting eagerly just at the door of the hole..

and rat the hero is held up at the entrance..

The rat has a hole.. A snake has visited the hole and finding the rat  away is eagerly awaiting for the rats arrival as his meal..
 A cat too is waiting for the rat to be turned into supper immediately on his arrival..
A fellow with two wives is in a condition similar to  that of the  rat.. 
If one wife is like the snake waiting inside, the other is like the cat waiting outside.. 
Anyway his end is so near..

बिलाद् बहिः outside the whole 
बिलस्य अन्तः insided the hole 
स्थित occupied by 
मार्जार सर्पयोः. a cat and a snake respectively
मध्ये स्थितः placed in the midst 
आखुः इव like a rat 
पत्नीद्वययुतः one who has two wives 
नरः आभाति. man poor fellow shine forth (actually suffers in mortal fear)

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