Friday, December 28, 2018

path to poverty and disgrace...

अनृतं चाटुवादश्च धनयोगो महानयम्।
सत्यं वैदुष्यमित्येव योगो दारिद्र्यकारकः॥
anṛtaṁ cāṭuvādaśca dhanayogo mahānayam|
satyaṁ vaiduṣyamityeva yogo dāridryakārakaḥ||

Telling lies and presenting things wrongly by appealingly
and capacity to exaggerate and present things glibly ..
when a person is endowed with such a combination of capabilities ,

it makes him extremely rich and popular..

However, a combination of the tendency for telling the truth and having great knowledge and erudition too.. that would ensure that a fellow remains poor and wretched for ever and ever..

The first combination is the hallmark of Politicians, actors, astrologers...professional accountants.. agents ..
Name any successful person. and he will have such qualities in plenty..

And the poor matter of fact scholar.. he rots in poverty..

अनृतं lie, misrepresentation..capacity to do that
चाटुवादः exaggeration, crafty presentation
च अयं नराय for this man
महान् धनयोगो भवति beomes a great lucky combination for being rich
प्रायः however सत्यं ttruth, truthfulness
वैदुष्यं knowledge, erudition
इति योगो this combination
तस्य दारिद्र्यकारकः एव भवति becomes a combination which makes man very poor and wretched.

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