Monday, January 21, 2019

do not provoke

शमप्रधानेषु तपोधनेषु गूढं हि दाहात्मकमस्ति तेजः।
स्पर्शानुकूल इव सूर्यकान्तास्तदन्यतेजोभिभवाद् वमन्ति॥
śamapradhāneṣu tapodhaneṣu gūḍhaṁ hi dāhātmakamasti tejaḥ|
sparśānukūla iva sūryakāntāstadanytejobhibhavād vamanti||

A thought provoking statement by great Kalidasa.. 
The sages and ascetics living quietly in forests 
minding their own activities 
are predominantly calm and composed
and would appear very placid too.. 
But the great souls carry intense power within themselves.. 
If provoked, such power can flare up
and engulf the offenders and provokers..

The Sooryakantha gem, usually looks very innocuous and so pleasing and cool to touch ..
And the stone remains unnoticed unless and until it is exposed to the rays of the Sun.. 
But once the rays of the Sun falls on the stone, 
the stone emits intense heat and sparkles..

So the pious and placid people should never be provoked..

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