Monday, January 21, 2019

What a way to live.. What a way to leave!

What a way to live.. What a way to leave!

चीदंबरमिदं पुरं प्रथितमेव पुण्यस्थलं
सुताश्च विनयोज्वलाः सुकृतयश्च काश्चित् कृताः।
वयांसि मम सप्ततेरुपरि नैव भोगे स्पृहा
न किञ्चिदहमर्थये शिवपदं दिदृक्षे परम्॥
cīdaṁbaramidaṁ puraṁ prathitameva puṇyasthalaṁ
sutāśca vinayojvalāḥ sukṛtayaśca kāścit kṛtāḥ|
vayāṁsi mama saptaterupari naiva bhoge spṛhā
na kiñcidahamarthaye śivapadaṁ didṛkṣe param||

The great scholar and administrator Appayya Deekshitar, who officiated as chief minister to some kings in TamilNadu, like Arcot, was a very pious and down to earth person, although from very very humble beginnings, through sheer power of intellect and learning, he reached dizzying heights of personal glory..
He was a scholar without peers.. and he has written many books and commented on many texts, across many grammatical subjects in Sanskrit, and various schools of philosophy. Besides he was an authority in the traditional legal precedents and his interpretations are quoted with respect and approval even after six centuries of his passing.

For students of Sanskrit at all levels his work Kuvalayaanandam, a treatise of Alankarams in Sanksrit is almost like a bible..

After having spent seven decades of life in limelight, especially in Royal Courts and Vidvat Sadasses, he finally wanted to spent his final days in the land of Nataraja, the Lord of Dances,, the Deity close to his heart..
He retired to Chidambaram, and spent a simple life there in his seventies, and Neelakanda Deekshita, who would become one of the greatest poets of Sanskrit, and a Divan himself, was keeping him company..
Neelakanda Deekshita, a relative had been adopted as a grandson by Appayya Deekshita..

As if sensing that his tenure on this earth was coming to a close, he mentioned to Neelakanda Deekshita.. in the slokam given at the top of this post.

" This Chidambaram is a much praised holy land. My sons are and grandchildren are all behaving with me with all humility and obedience. I have crated some worthy books and have done some worthy deeds during my active life. Now may age is above seventy.. And I did never have any inclination for the worldly pleasures at any stage.. and that is more so now.
I have no more desires to be fulfilled.. I do not want anything more
I am yearning for the happy vision of that status of union with Shiva.. which is the ultimate one can hope to attain."

It is further mentioned by the biographer ( Shri Ramesan N) that Shri Appayya Deekshitar , after these worlds of his disciple, went into a trance, raising his vital energy through yogic powers from Mooladhara to Sahsraaraa.. and was about to take leave of the mortal body..
He tells Neelakanta Deekshitar agi

आभाति हाटकसभा नटपादपद्म
ज्योतिर्मयो मनसि मे तरुणरुणोऽयम्॥
ābhāti hāṭakasabhā naṭapādapadma
jyotirmayo manasi me taruṇaruṇo'yam||

The tawny red glow of the anklets adorning the Lotus feet of the Lord of Dance.. the Kanakasabhapathy.. Nataraja.. is just shining brightly in my mind
With these words, he attained samadhi..

What a way to live..
What a way to leave!

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