Thursday, January 17, 2019

ideal Indian life

ideal Indian life

स्वधर्मकर्मार्जित जीवितानां स्वेष्टेषु दारेषु सदा रतानाम्।
जितेन्द्रियाणामतिथिप्रियाणां गृहेऽपि मोक्षः पुरुषोत्त्मानाम्॥
svadharmakarmārjita jīvitānāṁ sveṣṭeṣu dāreṣu sadā ratānām|
jitendriyāṇāmatithipriyāṇāṁ gṛhe'pi mokṣaḥ puruṣottmānām||

What is expected from life.. the ultimate emancipation and deliverance from mundane problems..

The epic Mahabharatam states the even householder leading an ordinary life are just enjoying moksham or ultimate happiness and deliverance if 
They are happy with the earnings they may through exercises of their own honest and avowed professions 
Those who can ever find satisfaction happiness in the company of their own wedded loving spouses.
Those who have their physical and sense organs in reasonable control
Those who are genuinely happy to have guests in their houses,, and the guests too feel at home with them

Of course a tall ideal..
But just mentioned this because it is clear that our ancestors had a very clear perception about how we should lead a good and productive life..

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