Thursday, January 17, 2019

Nouveau riche

प्रामाण्यबुद्धिः स्तोत्रेषु देवताबुद्धिरात्मने।
कीटबुद्धिर्मनुष्येषु नूतनायाः श्रियः फलम्॥ 

prāmāṇyabuddhiḥ stotreṣu devatābuddhirātmane| 
kīṭabuddhirmanuṣyeṣu nūtanāyāḥ śriyaḥ phalam|| 

A very worthy reminder for the one's who are drunk with arrogance of newly acquired wealth and affluence.. 
The following are the results of newly acquired wealth 
Understanding the praise of others around as genuine and authoritative 
Feeling that one is having all the great qualities of the divine beings 
Developing an attitude where one feels that all others living around are just insignificant insects and vermin 

The newly acquired wealth often gives a fellow the sense of power that would often lead him to the loss of such wealth and ruin him too 

When one becomes rich, wily people around would start praising him, most of the time such praise is just flattery.. But the fellow would feel that such praise is real, would love such false praised and the chamchas or sycophants would exploit such situation too. 

When one becomes rich, he feels so powerful that he thinks that he is something like a new incarnation of god himself.. He does very funny things in that state of mind. 


When one gets some money which gives him some purchasing power, he looks down upon others as if they are inferior, dirty beings.. 

And this attitude leads the Nouveau riche person towards his own degradation and ruin too..

This phenomenon has existed all through the history of human existence..

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