Wednesday, January 30, 2019

musings 53

I deal with religion in more than one way.. 
I have read a lot on Hinduism and have lived as a follower of that religion, and would often discuss the rituals and practices of that school..
But that is more dissemination of information..
I am not hawkish or fanatic about performances..
Just I have the belief that whatever is good, nice and beautiful about that religion and its culture can be followed and enjoyed.. especially when it is not working towards the detriment of social balance..

But I do write on religion as an object of intellectual analysis too.. 
There I treat every religion equally, just on the basis of objective evaluation of the pros and cons of following certain tenets, maintaining certain institutions and attitudes and so on..

There I do not remind me or others that I am a follower of Hinduism..

This might look as applying double standards, and doing double talk.. 
But everything is relevant only in its own context.

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