Wednesday, January 30, 2019

pooja--what it means to me

The most beautiful slice of time every day in my life is that eighty to ninety minutes in the morning.. serving.the God the way I love.
I am sure that God needs no service from me..and I do not believe He is going to give me any special boons in return. No.

I do not even know whether he accepts my worship..I can never verify.

To collect flowers to be placed at his feet.

To clean the vessels earmarked for his service.
To clean the ground where He is to sit and receive my flowers and praises.
To clean and decorate the little objects in which I believe He presents Himself (I may be right or wrong in that belief.. but that matters a lot to me)
To offer water for His bath.
To offer incense and sandal paste to Him.
To utter many many words in His/Her praise 
To offer some little food for Him/Her..knowing well that I am not good enough to expect that he/she would eat from my hands.
To offer a leaf of Tulasi to krishna.
To offer a leaf of Bilwa to Shankara 
To see Their majestic presence in the light of brightly lit camphor.
To sip.a drop of water that washed their lotus feet.
Yes. I can get all this only if I am living on this earth.
I want nothing from you God except this slice of time where i serve you forgetting myself.

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